Select some folders and click this to deactivate them. That means that the files inside will not be opened at startup, but the folder will remain in the list. Select some folders, then click this to make their files be opened each time your Mac starts. (Newly added folders are already activated.) Select some folders, then click this to close the files inside immediately. This has nothing to do with whether they will be opened at the next startup. Select some folders, then click this to open the files inside immediately. This pop-up menu selects how the information about the folders will be displayed in the list. Items in this list with folder icons are the folders in which Carpetbag will open files. A checked folder icon is a normal active folder, while a grey folder icon means that the folder has been postponed. To remove some folders from Carpetbag’s list, first select the folders, then click this button. Select this to display a directory dialog in which you select a folder. Carpetbag will open all the resource files therein the next time you start your Mac. Use this menu to tell Carpetbag which folders of files to install. Click this to display Carpetbag’s online manual. Uncheck this to prevent Carpetbag from displaying its icon as your Mac starts. Check this to make Carpetbag display its icon as your Mac starts up. Carpetbag Use Carpetbag to make resources (fonts, FKEYS, etc.) available to the System without installing them into the System file.