The latest version of ircle can be obtained from XDCC VERSION : shows XDCC version number XDCC SEND #filenumber: DCC SEND file XDCC LIST : list files XDCC HELP : this text XDCC HELP|LIST|SEND|VERSION list and DCC file(s) to you VERSION shows information about client version TIME shows local time of client USERINFO shows any info about user SOURCE shows info on how to obtain this program SOUND plays a named sound PING shows if user is still online FINGER shows login name and idle time of user FACE lets you exchange face files ERRMSG returns error messages DCC requests a direct client connection for chatting or filetransfer CLIENTINFO gives information about available CTCP commands ACTION contains action descriptions for atmosphere ACTION CLIENTINFO DCC ERRMSG FACE FINGER PING SOUND SOURCE TIME USERINFO VERSION XDCC :Use CTCP CLIENTINFO to get information about specific command