What's new in PKZIP 2.50 for DOS ---------------------------------- * PKZIP will now replace (-ac-) or edit (-ac+) a .ZIP comment when updating files. * Better file compression with the -exx option. * PKZIP/PKUNZIP options allow you to mask (-ja) or retain (-Ja) the archive attribute on added/extracted files. * PKZIP allows you to disable (with the -n option) or enable (with the -n+ option) long file name (i.e. LFN) support. * PKUNZIP now allows you to specify (with the -p option) printer port numbers 1-9 on the command line and in the configuration file. * PKZIP allows you to specify 2 (e.g. t=123199) or 4 (e.g. T=12311999) digit year designations when archiving files. * PKZIP allows you to format (using the -&fh or -&uh options) high density diskettes in extra high density diskette drives when spanning archive files. * PKZIP allows you to enable (with the -% option) or disable (with the -%+ option) EMS spooling of temporary data. Note: Please refer to the ADDENDUM.TXT file for detailed information on new and updated PKZIP/PKUNZIP options. * PKZIP/PKUNZIP will use EMS memory to allow handling of .ZIP files with up to 16,383 files in them. * PKZIP/PKZUNZIP shows a 4 digit year in the -v display. * PKZIP/PKUNZIP/PKSFX supports Windows 95/98 (DOS 7) long filenames. * PKZIP will use 32-bit protected mode compression code if DPMI is present, allowing for significantly faster and somewhat better compression. * PKZIP will spool temporary data to EMS memory instead of a temporary file, if available, for better speed. * Improved PKZIP compatibility with NetWare 4.0. * Both PKZIP and PKUNZIP now read from the same configuration (i.e. PKWARE.INI) file. PKZIP/PKUNZIP will look for the following environment value: PKWARE.INI=[drive][path] Format of the PKWARE.INI file is similar to the following: [PKZIP] pkzip options ... [PKUNZIP] pkunzip options ... Note: You may convert an older configuration file (i.e. PKZIP.CFG) by running the CNVCFG.BAT file. Please refer to the PKZIP CONFIGURATION section in the MANUAL.TXT file for detailed information on the available PKWARE.INI options.