55gedcom.zip GEDCOM Standard 5.5/WP 5.1 format ac4paf14.zip AC4PAF 1.4: Lists relatives from PAF, genology ac4paf21.zip Ancestors and Cousins for PAF acc50d1.zip ACCEPT (v5.0) Genealogy research prog. 1/3 acc50d2.zip ACCEPT (v5.0) Genealogy research prog. 2/3 acc50d3.zip ACCEPT (v5.0) New family startup prog. 3/3 accnwd4.zip ACCEPT Genealogy research prog. newsletter #1 ahnds33a.zip Ahnentafel and Descent Charts ba4paf23.zip Birthdays & Anniversaries for PAF bk52a.zip Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 1 of 5 bk52b.zip Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 2 of 5 bk52c.zip Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 3 of 5 bk52d.zip Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 4 of 5 bk52e.zip Brother's Keeper Genealogy 5.2, Part 5 of 5 census20.zip Genealogy: EZCensus - 1880/90 census database chart.zip Creates 11 generation pedigree charts, Ver 1.0 crd301.zip Cemetery Research Database, Ver 3.01 crdlt11.zip Cemetery Research Database for Laptops Ver 1.1 ctree32.zip Cumberland Tree 3.2, easy family tree program desce23d.zip DESCEND: Enhanced descendent charts for PAF ezrdf.zip EZ Description of RDF ezt230.zip EZ-Tree v2.30: Family tree tracking/reporting fhh130.zip Family history research tutorial fhs9105a.zip FHS (Family History System), May 91, part 1of2 fhs9105b.zip FHS (Family History System), May 91, part 2of2 fru18.zip Genealogy: Family Records Utils, for PAF files ft119d.zip 'Family Ties' Genealogy program (ver 1.19d) ftp119a.zip Genealogy:FamilyTree Print utl for Family Ties gc4paf18.zip Generation Counter for PAF ged2t9.zip Genealogy:Create Tiny Tafels from GEDCOM files ged2ttj1.zip GEDCOM to Tiny Tafel gedcht16.zip Make family tree chart from GED file (LJ3/PS) gedsimpl.zip A simple explanation of GEDCOM genbx202.zip Prints box charts from GEDCOM files gim_315.zip Full-featured genealogical information manager gnkt200.zip Genealogy Tool Kit v2.0 igi25547.zip Builds database from FamilySearch files imprt29a.zip Import ASCII text into PAF notes locase23.zip Translate PAF names to Upper/Lower movnm23a.zip Move, globally edit place names msg2paf.zip Genealogy data ASCII to PAF/GEDCOM myfmly20.zip My Family Genealogy program, Ver 2.0 namcl23a.zip Clears unused names from PAF named119.zip Genealogy: Name Dropper - search message files namev201.zip Genealogy: Name View v2.01 - used with NAMED ne4paf72.zip Name Editor for PAF notcln13.zip Cleans unused notes from PAF paf2pf11.zip Copy RIN from one PAF DB to another paf_expo.zip Export Lifelines to PAF GEDCOM paf_note.zip Correcting a PAF NOTEs problem pafab209.zip PAF Ability: Create book from PAF data pafp21.zip Genealogy: Family Tree Print utility program plclst14.zip View/monitor PAF place names rfgene30.zip RFGene v3.0 Genealogy database program sdiprt94.zip Read/print/convert SS Death Index GED Files setid10.zip Auto fill PAF ID field stack.zip Save disk space with GED2HTML ttgen122.zip Genealogy: Tiny Tafel generator & editor util. ws4paf26.zip Worksheets for PAF