SIMPLE STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF SOFTWARE _____________________________________________________ 1) Copy the files to a subdirectory and run VSAMPLE either from the command line or in a DOS window. _____________________________________________________ 2) After reading and playing with the demo package, and making a backup somewhere for your later use (and redistribution, please!) print the manuals, then copy the files: { VMENUBLD.EXE VFPROC.EXE VDISPLAY.EXE or VAREAD.EXE Your text files } to a new subdirectory, where you will be working. _____________________________________________________ 3) Run VMENUBLD and create your menus. Save with F10 as you go along and SAVE ON EXIT. _____________________________________________________ 4) You may reload your menu for correction using RELOAD ORIGINAL CFG. _____________________________________________________ 5) Program your menus by pressing F7 on each menu line in EDIT SUBSCREENS AND COMMAND LINE CALLS. Type, for example, VDISPLAY MYFILE.TXT -A (for text files) or VDISPLAY MYFILE.CMO (if you have processed or plan to process the files.) _____________________________________________________ 6) If you plan to process the files, run VFPROC and select your files to process from its menu, or run it from the command line: VFPROC *.TXT or VFPROC MYFILE.TXT which processes a file creating a new, processed copy MYFILE.CMO _____________________________________________________ 7) Test your menu and reload/fine tune/resave. -Test within VMENUBLD -Test using VMENU.EXE (the distributable .exe file) by typing VMENU at the command line or running it from WINDOWS (Mouse driver has to be loaded in your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT before WINDOWS is loaded - in CONFIG.SYS include a line DEVICE=MOUSE.SYS if you are using a system mouse driver, or in AUTOEXEC.BAT include a line MOUSE to run MOUSE.COM, depending on which you have for a mouse driver.) _____________________________________________________ 8)Register! Use varead or vdisplay to print register.txt, or type at the command line, PRINT REGISTER.TXT or TYPE REGISTER.TXT>PRN to print a registration form! Don't forget your cheque ... When you get your registration number ...Type your registration number into VMENUBLD after reloading your CFG file, and SAVE ON EXIT. You can get registered online at CompuServe GO SWREG # 7879 _____________________________________________________ 9) Copy to a disc for distribution or "ZIP" all the required files together: -your *.CMO files (And/ or *.TXT files if applicable - you will need at least two files, a README.TXT and a FILE_ID.DIZ) -VMENU.EXE - to run your menu -CFG.MNN - to configure VMENU -VDISPLAY.EXE (or VAREAD.EXE if you prefer) -any shell executables, such as PICTURE.EXE, which you have programmed in. (an advanced topic described in the manuals. DON'T INCLUDE YOUR REG.DAT FILE!!!!! (Generated when you register, and needed to be present until everything is built.) _____________________________________________________ 10) Test your package by typing VMENU at the prompt. Problems? Drop me E-Mail at: 102547.3334@COMPUSERVE.COM Fax me at: 905-471-5440 Or "snail" me at 5694-4#193 Hwy7E Markham Ont L3P 1B4 -Next month, I may finally have the time (and I hope, the money) to start up that support BBS I was talking about! Pierre Mihok _____________________________________________________________________ COMING SOON: - Later this month (FEB 95) a "simple system" menu & menu builder option, and some interesting enhancements to this package, - A separate release of a "commercial" version (Windows ready) which my registered users will get to preview for free. - I will soon be online on C-Serve and be able to accept online registration. _____________________________________________________________________ Please note! - Although I am mailing discs and copies around to promote sales of the product, I am not wealthy by any means. If you want discs etc. please send SASE if possible, and a few dollars to cover postage and packaging if you can. ______________________________________________________________________