TACO2.WAD FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Q: What's with the name? A: Hah... Good question... but it's a long story... if you want to hear it email me on the fidonet or the internet and I'll tell you. Q: Why so many big monsters? A: Well... the big monsters are usually more fun to kill... gives you a real challenge. A lot of these monsters were by special request from my friends who helped to beta this wad. So I'd throw in a Cyberdemon here and there and they were stoked... Q: Can I have some level tips? A: Ok... here we go... (LEVEL 6) I call it MEMORYMATIC MEAL-IN-ONE! Yes, I named it after a microwave. Essentially the best tips I can give are to get close and personal on this one. Don't try to stay far away, cause it's tight quarters and you'll find nowhere to run. There is a secret in the beginning just to the left of the beginning of the stairway. When playing net, keep the BFG out of the picture. The rooms are small so any use of it... well... I didn't name it after a microwave for nothing. (LEVEL 7) Taco Tower : There is a BFG on the tower. After getting the Blue Key, walk off the edge onto another one for the BFG. GET IT! It is HIGHLY useful. On the platforms, kill everything before walking up the stairs. WHY? Think about it. One of the four doors in the core doesn't have to be opened, can you guess which one? There is a secret in the beginning room at the far right wall from the exit. When you kill the cocademons in the platform / stairwell room that come out after you get the yellow key, try jumping in one of the rooms that opened. If you can make the jump, you got another megasphere and some light amp goggles! (LEVEL 8) Unforgiven : The song! It's gotta be the song! Metallica kicks in DOOM. The colored doors in the beginning don't stand for what key you need. So don't waste yer time looking for they keys. Each switch lowers the platform that has another key, or a teleporter. There is a secret area in each of the three colored doors. I'm not gonna list each of them, sorry. (LEVEL 9) Bill Gate's Courtyard : Best Tip. Don't wait for the Cocademons and Pain Elementals to come to you, jump down platforms and try and get the jump on THEM. Otherwise you'll be one human against 7 or so flying balls from hell... and no ammo to gun them down with! If you can find a way to grab the BFG on the second floor then DO IT! On the second floor there is a Secret door on the far right. On top of the stairway and on the cliff there. (LEVEL 10) The Pits : Do NOT... I repeat DO NOT fall into the pit at the end of the corridor near the beginning until you get the red key. You will have no way out and all the doors will be key'd. You'll be screwed up every possible orifice of your body. There aren't any secrets that you can reach unless you've already passed the level so don't spend too much time looking for em. Any more questions? Email me. phane@k-2.com (Internet) james.redel (Fidonet) 1:103/155