V E N D O R . T X T FundRaiser Basic Version 1.40 (09/01/95) μμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμ This file contains information for anyone who wishes to distribute FundRaiser Basic (FRB). Please see VENDINFO.DIZ for more complete program information, listing data, packing list, etc. BBS Sysop's, please also see SYSOP.DOC. μμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμ ASP Approved Vendors in good standing are hereby given permission to distribute this application. Non-ASP vendors please read the distribution restrictions below. ALL VENDORS: Please contact us for a free copy of the current version of FundRaiser Basic. This is especially important if this version is more than one year old. We will then put you on our mailing list and keep you updated on a regular basis. You may archive our programs, unarchive them, use your own installation routines, include them with other programs on the same diskette, and do essentially anything you want as long as you follow the commonplace rules outlined below. We want the widest possible distribution, and don't want to stand in your way so long as you are honest with our mutual customer. We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding FundRaiser Basic. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you print or distribute regarding the FundRaiser Basic package. Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware marketing concept. Thank you for your support! Shareware versions of FRB may be freely distributed, subject to the following restrictions: μ FundRaiser Basic must be distributed as a complete package. The VENDINFO.DIZ text file contains a list of the files that comprise the complete package. Small additions to the package, such as the introductory or installation batch files used by many shareware disk vendors, or the small text file (advertisement) used by many BBS's, are acceptable. μ FundRaiser Basic may not be represented as anything other than shareware, and the shareware concept must be explained in any ad or catalog that includes FundRaiser Basic, and on any packaging used to display the disk. Especially... o The fee paid by the customer for an evaluation diskette must be clearly indicated as a distribution fee, and that it does not cover the cost of the program itself. o That payment to the Author is required if a program is used beyond the evaluation period prescribed by the Author. μ FRB is not to be used as an enticement to purchase another product without written permission from the Author, which is generally given. μ FRB is not to be packaged for sale with a printed copy of its reference manual, or other supporting documentation. μ FRB is not to be "rented" or leased. These distribution restrictions apply to anyone who wishes to distribute FRB, whether they be commercial vendors, user groups, BBS operators, individuals, or otherwise. Please contact Author for screen shots in PCX, TIF, or other formats. All parties are hereby given permission to capture screen shots of FRB for use in catalogs or newsletters that list or review our product. Please identify the image in some way as being from FundRaiser Basic. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of FundRaiser Basic upon notice from the Author. μμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμ Sales: (800) 880-3454 Gene Weinbeck Voice: (417) 256-4280 Professional Support Software Fax: (417) 256-6370 106 Garfield Ave BBS: (417) 256-2026 PO Box 901 CompuServe: 72077,1015 West Plains, MO 65775 USA Internet: edgewalk@ios.com America OnLine: EdgeWokkrr μμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμ