Flashback! Version 1.0 1) Introduction 2) Installation 3) File Description 4) Comments Introduction Flashback is a fast paced game of memory. If you're quick on the mouse and have a good memory you should do well. Its kind of a Concentration on steriods. Flashback is Shareware. Feel free to pass the shareware evaluation version (FLSHBK.ZIP) along to anybody you see fit, or upload it to any BBS you want. All I ask is that you pass the ZIP file along with out altering its contents in any way. If you are using the shareware evaluation copy of Flashback you can play the game for 21 days to evaluate it. At the end of that evaluation period you must either register your copy or remove the game from your system. You can register Flashback in one of two ways. First, by sending a check or money order to: Greg DeBacker 638 San Juan Av. Santa Cruz, CA 95065 Or, if you are a member of CompuServe, you can use their software registration forum (GO SWREG). Once there, use SWREG # 7041 and follow the on screen instructions. The cost of registration is $10.00. Upon receiving you registration fee I will send you a Confirmation Letter with your Registration Number. See the Q & A section in the help file for the above registration informtaion along with the benefits of registering. Installation To install Flashback create a new directory on your PC. Unpack the ZIP and put all of the files into this directory. Run the file called SETUP.EXE to set up Flashback. File Description SETUP.EXE - The set up program FLASHBAK.EXE - The executable Flashback card game FLASHBAK.HLP - Flashback Help file FILE_ID.DIZ - File identification file README.TXT - This readme file SLIP.WAV - WAV file used in game APPLAUSE.WAV - WAV file used in game WIGGLE.WAV - WAV file used in game SWING.WAV - WAV file used in game POP.WAV - WAV file used in game BUZZ.WAV - WAV file used in game CLANG.WAV - WAV file used in game CTL3D.DLL - Library of 3D routines (CTL3D.DLL will be put in the Windows\System directory by Setup.exe) Comments Any comments, suggestions, or critiques can be sent to me at one of the following addresses: CompuServe - 71042,36 InterNet - 71042.36@compuserve.com U.S. Mail - Greg DeBacker 638 San Juan Av. Santa Cruz, CA 95065 Thank you, Greg