ีออออออออออออออออออออออออออออธ ณ NEW : BOLLEKE MAILING LIST ณ ิออออออออออออออออออออออออออออพ Well, since I've had pretty much positive reactions on my compositions up till now, this is something for you if you are of the same opinion. If you *really* like my modules *very much* you let me know and I'll put you on my mailing list. How does this work ? I want to know what you think of my modules, and if possible, why you like them. In exchange, I will try to provide you with the information about my new productions. Please have some patience about this, because as long as I have no modem, I will only be able to check my mail once in a week, and maybe this frequency will still decrease in the future ... There are three possibilities : a. You have FTP accesss. So you can download my modules yourself. So I do not have to send you the entire ZIP file thru e-mail. I just send you a notice that a new release has come for you to check out. b. You have FTP access but you are too lame to look for my modules. So I will send you my modules if you ask me to :) c. You only have E-mail access to the Net. I will send you my modules thru e-mail. Sending the modules thru e-mail means the following : I make a uuencoded copy of the ZIP file and mail it to you. I do not have the time to split the uuencoded file into separate <60K parts, I'm too lame for that, so just see that your mail server can handle these large chunks of raw data, right ? Your name will be placed in a text file in the ZIP file with my next modules to inform everybody that you are on the list. Practically : you just have to fill in the form MAILING.FRM and send it back to me. If I cannot automate this mailing system and have to do everything by hand, I will limit the number of persons on the list to, let's say, 25. If I can write a small Unix batch file so that I can mail in bg, there will be no lomit, I guess :) The following persons are on the Bolleke Mailing list : ------------------------------------------------------- Update : 23/09/95 spesant@axionet.com thr@xs4all.nl we48092@is1.vub.ac.be tw44813@is1.vub.ac.be ffrancke@vnet3.vub.ac.be ragman@cts2.europe.dg.com rob@span.com gw@eze.gun.de sdog@ruby.arts.kuleuven.ac.be