Program Name : Khmer Lesson Copyright : 1993-1995 World Education Software Version : 2.50 - May 1995 Programmer : KOSONA CHRIV Software : Windows 3.1 Hardware : Multimedia. : Mouse. System requirement : 80386PC, Windows 3.1, 4 Mb RAM, 10 Mb hard disk : Sound card compatible with MPC : Digital video required VGA-256 colors or higher Description : Computer Assisted Learning method for Khmer Disclaimer : Please give me some input If you don't have any sound card (Adlib, Sound Blaster...), install Sound Speaker driver first by using Control Panel Khmer Lesson required Video For Windows version 1.1 Runtime. You can download Video For Windows Runtime in some BBS or on Compuserve (GO WINMM and search file VFW11D.EXE). Please note that Video for Windows is delivered with Windows NT 3.5 or Windows 95. To Install Khmer Lesson : 1- Decompress CAMBL25A.ZIP and CAMBL25B.ZIP into any directory on your hard disk, e.g : c:\demo 2- From Program manager, select File Run c:\demo\install You can find us at the following place: World Education Software Mr KOSONA CHRIV 32 PASSAGE DES LAUZES F-95800 CERGY ST-CHRISTOPHE FRANCE Phone : 33 (1) Fax : 33 (1) Internet-Mail : Compuserve Mail : 100322,1545