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Questions concerning the GUI

Question (MUI):
When will MakeCD have a MUI user-interface? I have already registered for MUI and don't want to register for Triton too!
We currently have no plans for a MakeCD MUI user-interface. If someone would like to program a MUI interface, s/he should contact Patrick. Triton allows the integration of gadtools gadgets into a program and saves us time calculating the gadget positions ourselves. From the user's perspective, the difference between gadtools and Triton is scarcely noticeable.

Question (Online help):
The online help causes problems with CycleToMenu and MagicCX. What can I do about this?
You should not install hacks. Well, you supposedly don't want to remove these hacks. So we recommend that you turn off the online help once you are familiar with MakeCD. Please bear in mind that the bubble help comes from triton.library - we cannot change the way it works.

Question (Save window sizes and public screen):
I want to save window sizes or have MakeCD run on a public screen. Is this possible?
The windows come from triton.library, so you can use the triton Preferences editor for both. You do not have to register triton for this --- although Stefan Zeiger would not complain :-) You can find the complete triton system including the preferences editor on Stefan Zeiger's home page http://home.pages.de/~szeiger/. For further information, please see `doc/Triton.readme'. Here is a section from the trition manual:

If you want to register, please send DM20, US$15 or an equal amount in any other valid currency to me. See Support, for addresses.

Send money by EuroCheque (only in German Marks (DM)!), postal(!) money order or cash! It's impossible for me to cash in foreign cheques, even if the amount is in DM.

Stefan Zeiger
Seligenst�dter Weg 24
D-63796 Kahl

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