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A3000 + Cyberstorm MkII + PhilipsCDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.3 (Settings: parallel read/write, buffer between 6 and 16 MB, chunk size 100 KB)
A3000, Cyberstorm MkII, 32 MB Ram, CyberGfx/Spectrum board, OS 3.1
A3000 internal SCSI hostadapter, scsi.device V40.12
CD writer:
PHILIPS CDD2600 1.07 (unit 4, terminated)
CD-ROM drive:
PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-6XCS 2.05 (unit 3, not terminated)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Internal bus: hard disk (unit 0, terminated)
External bus: different hard disks (varies)

Reselection and asynchronous transfer mode is switched on for all devices. No SCSI hangups at all. 10 CD-Rs written, all successful.

Note: With earlier versions of MakeCD, I noticed SCSI hangups. I assume it was caused by too big chunks. Now I use 100 KB chunks. This works fine.

Tested by Hermann Doerries <h_doerries@wilam.north.de>.

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