Amiga Flame - News - Mutation Software And Games

(*)Mutation Software And Games(*)

(Mutation_Software_Logo)You may already know Mutation Software but if you don't, they are new company that have brought and will continue to bring new games to the Amiga. All of their games are currently �14.99 UK pounds and are mail order only.

The first game to be released under the Mutation Software name was Tin Toy which has just got reviewed and is in the Game Reviews section. There will also be a review of their second game which is a shoot'em up called Tommy Gun. This will hopefully be reviewed at the end of the month.

(TinToy) (TinToy_Screen_Shot)
Screenshots of Tin Toy
Mutation Software are now busy developing their third game called Castle Kingdoms. It is a arcade adventure and should be released sometime in the spring and I will hopefully have screenshots later in the year. They have also got other games planned for further in the year and into 1998 which is good to see such a dedicated Amiga games company.

(Tommy_Gun) (Tommy_Gun_Screen_Shot)
Screenshots of Tommy Gun


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