Amiga Flame - News - New Screenshots of Diversia

New Screenshots of Diversia

Diversia from Ablaze Entertainment seems to be one of those new real-time war strategy games that really stands out from the rest especially with the added bonus of it being PPC compatible. Diversia is one of the first of many games to have PPC compatibly and this will be good for those Amiga Owners who have expanded. At this time I would say that the breathtaking graphics are certainly making it stand out and I have been asured that the gameplay will be just as good. Two of the screenshots show it in Low Res and the other two in High Res.

The game will feature many war-units with advanced enemy intelligence. It also features Network play and will have a full CD sound track to enjoy while playing. Development is coming along well, with a demo nearly complete and the full game expected to be released in time for Christmas.

You'll require CyberGraphics/AGA (RTGMaster), Motorola MC68030+/PowerPC, Min. 4 MB Fast Ram, AmigaOS�3.0/3.1�(V39+), and a 4x CD-Rom drive. I am sure that many readers can't wait to try it out and Amiga Flame will keep you up to date on development of that demo.

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