Amiga Flame - News - Amiga Format Demos

Amiga Format Demos

Amiga Format's December Issue has just been released with the CD Issue carrying Exclusive Demo's of Vulcan Software's, Uropa 2 and The Final Odyssey. Do not miss this issue of Amiga Format.

The Final Odyssey a puzzling action adventure leaves you in control of Theseus the Hero to solve the complex puzzles and mysteries of the Labyrinth and eventually destroy the Minotaur as well as locating all the girls that have been imprisoned and getting them out safely.

(The_Final_Odyssey__Character)In the full game you will have to deal with Flamers, Arrows, Electric Bolts, Pits, Spikes, Rolling Rocks, Bouncing Balls, Homing Missiles, One-Way Paths, Invisible Walls, Trap Doors, Transporters, Lava Timed Bombs, Fall-Away Tiles and more importantly with loads of Monsters each with their own advanced artificial intelligence. To kill the enenmy that you encounter you have an assortment of weapons - Crossbow, Plasma Rifle, Chain Gun, Fireblade and a Nuke. Of course this is not all available in the demo but it will give you a peak at what you should expect from The Final Odyssey.


The Final Odyssey should be released on the 1st of November and I'll inform you as soon as it is.

(Uropa_�)Uropa � an 3D Isometric Action Adventure, developed by Austex Software and about to be Published by Vulcan Software is my own personal favourite game with it being so original, having so many clever ideas, hidden surprises, it is game that offers so much to the player.

(Uropa_�__Explode)You are either in control of a droid or a Surface Havar vehicle, your mission is save Uropa 2 from destruction at the hands of the Kapone droids. With communications down with the moon and the fate of the colonists unknown, your task is to rescue any colonists that have survived, destroy the Kapones and seek out the Mastermind behind their rebellion.

(Uropa_�__Core) (Uropa_�__Attack)

It will contain 10 gigantic strategy based missions with a linear plot progression including full digital speech throughout. Your weapons will also progress throughout and it will have the option for Serial Link up for 2 player action with an extra Hovar Wars game.

Overall, it would be a good idea to buy this months Amiga Format to get a look at these soon to be released games.

Visit their web site at :-


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