--------------- Carrier Command --------------- ;--- Carrier Command HD install V1.1 This installer requires the original Carrier Command disk. It was written for Release Version A1.2 19/08/88. Press Ctrl+V while playing for version number. If you have an unsupported version contact me. You have to install WHDLoad first. Insert the original disk in df0: and wait for your drive to find the disk. Then double click the install icon. Press F1 on selection screen to listen to the title music. V1.1 installs and plays now all 80 tracks of the sample instead of only 40. Thanks to Mark for his clue, my disk had a read error and stopped after 40 tracks what I thought to be normal. Carrier Command is copyright by Rainbird and Realtime Software. ;--- Features - Protection removed - Load & Save to HD - Return to OS (F10) ;--- WHDLoad Get the latest version from Aminet or from the homepage of the author at http://www.fh-zwickau.de/~jah/whdload.html ;--- GORE DESIGN - RIDE HARD, DIE FREE! Greetings to all members of the whdload family...wepl, mr. larmer, harry and all the others. Special hello to my pal Flynn! =) ____ / / _____________________ STAY CLEAR CIVILIAN... ____________________ / / /_ / / / Dark Angel of Gore Design ____ / / / e-mail: wir96fme@studserv.uni-leipzig.de \ \/ / / ________________________________________ powered by AMIGA \ \ \/ /_____ \_\_\/