inbox Form15 Text1 MS Sans Serif cancel Cancel MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Image1 Line3 Line4 Shape1 Line1 Line2 Label1 Label1 MS Sans Serif cancel_Click inbox Form_Activate label1 Caption" text1 @ Form_Load Width shape1 screenG TwipsPerPixelXa Height TwipsPerPixelY AutoRedrawr makectrl3d Control ScaleMode ForeColor ok_Click CenterForm Text1_Change Text1_KeyPress keyascii SetWindowPos mainform HWND_TOPMOST cancel_Click Form_Activate +{end} Form_Load - define the screen size - draw a 3d border around the text box makectrl3d Routine Name: makectrl3d Written: 6/2/94 Author: Chris Haynes- Purpose: Used to give textboxes, listboxes, dir & file boxes a 3D effect. set autoredraw to true before calling this routine. Parameters: Control name Form name API Declarations: none Data Structures: nonee Constants: none: Copyright 1994, Chris Haynes [Unauthorized use prohibited] - Scale in Pixels- - blackn - Initialize main variables- - black lines on top and left size - dk grey top bevel - white lines on bottom ok_Click Text1_KeyPress