##################################################################### PhotoV VBX Control Copyright 1995 Northeast Data Corp. All Rights Reserved ##################################################################### Version 1.1 Product Description =================== PhotoV is a VBX custom control that runs under Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later. It displays and prints JPEG, TIFF (Color, Group 3, Group 4), PCX, BMP, Targa, Photo CD and GIF files. The control can be used in Visual Basic versions 1.0 through 3.0 and later, and in Visual C++ version 1.0 or later. It is supported by the CVBControl Microsoft Foundation class in the C++ environments. Legal Information ================= Northeast Data Corp. owns the PhotoV VBX custom control. The demo version of the control is "shareware". It displays a registration dialog box each time the application using the control is started. Users who register the control with Northeast Data receive a commercial version of the control, which is the same as the demo version but does not display the registration dialog box. All users of the PhotoV VBX custom control are granted the right to use the control in any applications they develop, without paying royalties of any kind to Northeast Data Corp. Also, users are not required to mention Northeast Data Corp. in any documentation or software that accompanies their products. Recommended Equipment ===================== 486/33mhz PC 16.7 million color ("True Color") video adapter 8mb RAM Performance is affected significantly by your video adapter. PhotoV will operate with lower resolution adapters (down to 256 colors), a 386 CPU, and 4mb memory, but works best with the recommended configuration. The best files to view are Photo CD files, since they are optimized for PC video display. The other file formats were developed at a time when PC video display hardware was less capable. Installation ============ Copy the vic.dll, pcdlib.dll, vbrun300.dll, and photov.vbx files to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. All other files can reside in the original installation directory. If you have Visual Basic, you can run it and load the project file from the installation directory. You can also add the photov.vbx file into a new project. If you do not have Visual Basic, you can run the Photov.exe file directly from the installation directory. If you are using Visual C++, you need access to the photov.h file. You should copy this file into your INCLUDE path. Software Development Information ================================ The following describes the properties and events implemented in the PhotoV custom control. Properties ---------- About Displays information about the PhotoV custom control BackColor Color that appears around the image, inside the image window BorderStyle 0 - None 1 - Single Command 1 - ZoomIn 2 - ZoomOut 3 - Increase Contrast Note: Contrast adjustment is not available for Photo CD images. 4 - Decrease Contrast Note: Contrast adjustment is not available for Photo CD images. 5 - Print Prints the image. The size of the image is about the same as it is currently on the screen. 6 - Copy Copies the selected image region to the clipboard. The user selects a region by dragging with the right mouse button. DragIcon A standard VB property DragMode A standard VB property hdcPrn Handle to the HDC for printing. If you do not specify an HDC, the PhotoV control will create one. Specifying an HDC allows the PhotoV control to use the same printer that you may have specified for other print functions in your application (where the user may have selected a different printer from the default one). Height Height of the PhotoV window, in twips. HScrollPos Vertical scroll position of the image, in pixels. Index A standard VB property. Left Left side of the PhotoV window, in twips. Menus A string that has a "0" or "1" character for each of these functions: Operation Position in string -------------------- ------------------ MENUCOPY 1 MENUBESTFIT 2 MENUFITVERT 3 MENUFITHORZ 4 MENU1TO1 5 MENUINCREASECONTRAST 6 MENUDECREASECONTRAST 7 MENUZOOMIN 8 MENUZOOMOUT 9 MENUPRINT 10 MENUROTATE0 11 MENUROTATE90 12 MENUROTATE180 13 MENUROTATE270 14 This is the same string that is sent in the "MenuChange" event parameter described below. Name A standard VB property. Picture The full filename of the image file to display. Rotation 0 - 0 degrees 1 - 90 degrees 2 - 180 degrees 3 - 270 degrees ScaleMode 0 - Fit Vertical 1 - Fit Horizontal 2 - Full Size (1 to 1 scaling) 3 - Best Fit 4 - Scale Percent (use the value in the ScalePercent property) ScalePercent The percent of original image size to display the image. ScrollBars 0 - None 1 - Vertical 2 - Horizontal 3 - Both TabIndex A standard VB property. TabStop A standard VB property. Tag A standard VB property. Top Top of the PhotoV window, in twips. Visible A standard VB property. VScrollPos Vertical scroll bar settting for the image. Width Width of the PhotoV window, in twips. Events ------ MenuChange (Menu As String) This event is sent whenever your application menus need to be updated. The Menu string is described in the "Menus" property above. You can use this event to enable or disable the appropriate menus in your application. Version Information =================== V1.1 (January 1995) - First release Northeast Data Corp. 2117 Buffalo Rd., Suite 290 Rochester, NY 14624