Form1 Demonet5 Form15 Command4 &About... MS Sans Serif Option1 &8 - Center - BOTTOM MS Sans Serif Option1 &7 - Center - MIDDLE MS Sans Serif Option1 &6 - Center - TOP MS Sans Serif Option1 &5 - Right - BOTTOM MS Sans Serif Option1 &4 - Right - MIDDLE MS Sans Serif Option1 &3 - Right - TOP MS Sans Serif Option1 &2 - Left - BOTTOM MS Sans Serif Option1 &1 - Left - MIDDLE MS Sans Serif Option1 &0 - Left - TOP MS Sans Serif Command3 &Copy MS Sans Serif Command2 &Icon MS Sans Serif Picture1 wwwwww Command1 &Text MS Sans Serif Text1 MS Sans Serif EasyNet MS Sans Serif Label1 oDraw a node and assign it a text, an icon or both. Then select an alignment style. (The node must be selected). MS Sans Serif Command1_Click TextO Text1 Command2_Click Picture Image1 Picture1 Command3_Click= EasyNet{ EditAction Command4_Click @ Form_Load Option1_Click Index Alignment] Option1 About IsLink Net1_Click Net1_SelChange Command1 Enabled Command2 Command1_Click Command2_Click Command3_Click Command4_Click Form_Load I am a test string but you may enter another one. Net1_SelChange Option1_Click