WARP 3 BOOT DISKETTE --------------------- This package contains a disk image of a bootable diskette (1.44mb) of the Warp 3 GA. You need to create the boot diskette by using LOADDSKF.EXE or XDFCOPY.EXE to unpack the disk image - e.g., LOADDSKF BOOTWARP.DSK A: or XDFCOPY BOOTWARP.DSK A: This command will unpack the disk image and create the boot diskette on drive A: Note that any files on drive A: will be over-written, so you should use this on a newly formatted floppy disk. LOADDSKF.EXE and XDFCOPY.EXE are available somewhere in the Warp package (I think), or on ftp-os2.cdrom.com. If you are not in the US, you may need to edit the country, and keyboard commands in the CONFIG.SYS for your country (in the last five lines). The correct settings should be in your original CONFIG.SYS on your hard drive. Unfortunately, there is not enough room on the disk to provide access to HPFS drives or CD-ROMs upon booting. Files ----- 1. BOOTWARP.DSK - the disk image in .DSK format 2. BOOTWARP.DIR - a directory listing of the files on the disk 3. README.TXT - this file STANDARD DISCLAIMER ------------------- I am only providing this package as a service, to those who would otherwise have trouble creating their own boot diskette. It works perfectly on my system, but your mileage may vary. Therefore, please note; THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY GUARANTEES OR WARRANTEES WHATSOEVER. I AM NOT LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSSES OF A FINANCIAL, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MARITAL, SOCIAL, OR MENTAL, NATURE, THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OR THE PURPORTED USE OF ANYTHING IN THIS PACKAGE, FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. IF THESE TERMS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO YOU, THEN YOU MUST DELETE THIS PACKAGE, IMMEDIATELY. - Special thanks to A. Olowofoyeku for the inspiration to create this disk - - Thanks to Nicole, for sitting with me while going through the process! -