It's the new rage!!!!! Aren't you tired of that stupid, but all to familiar microsoft advertisement you stare at until your computer is ready? Want silly pictures to pop-up without munching up precious RAM? Windows for dudes is the answer. should contain: windude.rle windude.txt Installation Instructions: 1. Copy the windows file vgalogo.rle into another directory for safe keeping. 2. Re-name windude.rle to vgalogo.rle. 3. Go into windows setup and change something. This will cause windows to create a new file in which it pulls from various files (drivers,etc. and the new vgalogo.rle). Restart windows and your new picture is there! 4. Note: you must repeat this procedure to return the original logo. Simply replacing the file will not cut it as the is made once during setup. 5. Write a batch file that does this and send it to me. I assume no responsibility if you wipe out the original vgalogo.rle forever. (your own stupidity should be enough) Keep on the lookout for the Windows for Cindy logo!! (Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation...blah, blah, blah) Got any other ideas or requests?