>²²²> A <²²²< >²²²> FISHY <²²²< >²²²> PEX <²²²< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >²²²> PWCHECK <²²²< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >²²²> PASSWORD CHECKER <²²²< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1994 Dennis McLaughlin - All rights reserved ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >²²²> What is it? <²²²< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PWCHECK is a password checker PEX for Proboard 2.0x. It will check the users password for length (minimum 5 characters) and number of consecutive characters from both alias and name (no more than 3 consecutive characters). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >²²²> Why is it? <²²²< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- More than few times I've gone thru my user list and found passwords that were only 4 letters long or had half their name or alias in it. Having messed up my setup by allowing 4 letter passwords, I threw in the length check for good measure so I could change it without messing up anything. This PEX will take care of that by doing a check and then sending them straight to a password change if their password doesn't meet the guidelines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >²²²> How to Install it <²²²< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have PWCHECK installed as a WELCOMEx.PEX so that everyone is automatically checked when they log-on. This ensures that the security level is maintained. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >²²²> How Much is it? <²²²< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well...I was toying with asking $5 for it...but it was just too hard...this was my first foray into programming in a useful way and I must admit it was just fun to do. I've taught myself to program in C and, with the excellent foresight of Phillippe Leybaert to incorporate a C based development kit for Proboard, I've managed to put this knowledge to good use. If you find this program incredibly useful and just can't resist sending money to this hard-working, self-taught, struggling programmer (did I mention thirsty?) so he can get inspiration for more useful Proboard PEXes send $5, a six-pack or whatever to: Dennis McLaughlin 4 Johnston St. E. Smiths Falls,Ont.,CANADA K7A 1V1 If you have any suggestions, problems or encouragement you can netmail me at: ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί FIDO 1:256/204 Ί Ί BBS Gone Fishin' (613)283-2448 Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ or leave a message in the FIDO Proboard echo where I forever lurk :-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >²²²>Thanks and Good Fishing! <²²²< -----------------------------------------------------------------------------