MicroPlayerCD(tm) v1.10 Copyright (c) 1993-94 by Daniel Thomas _______ ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER WHAT'S NEW? ----------- 12-11-94 version 1.05 Increased the number of Tracks in database to 40 Improved the appearance of very small buttons 2-26-94 version 1.03 Added Compuserve SWREG number: 2081 Added the Layout dialog, with control over what buttons will be shown 2-15-94 version 1.02 Fixed a very minor problem painting the border of the Main Window Update the Status immediately when a button is used 2-13-94 version 1.01 First public release INSTALLATION ------------ This small file will help you install MicroPlayerCD. Here are the files you should have: MICROPLA.EXE - program file MICROPLA.HLP - help file MICROPLA.TXT - this file (may have been renamed READ.ME) MICROPLA.REG - Shareware registration form VENDOR.TXT - Shareware vendor information FILE_ID.DIZ - Description file for BBSes To install MicroPlayerCD, copy the files to your hard disk (in any directory), and add MICROPLA.EXE to one of your Program Manager groups. Run it by clicking on the icon. You may also run it by clicking on MICROPLA.EXE from File Manager. For information on how to use the program, click the question-mark button. There is a quick-start section that will have you up and running in no time. Enjoy, and thanks for trying out MicroPlayerCD! Dan Thomas (PS - if you like this game and want to continue using it, you must register. Click on the "Registration Form" button on the "reminder" screen - or print the file MICROPLA.REG, and fill in the blanks. Compuserve members can register on-line. GO SWREG, Reference ID 2081. Thanks again.)