Lode Runner-Windows Version Patch to Update to Version 1.3 November 22nd, 1994 INTRODUCTION This diskette or archive file contains the necessary files to update your copy of Lode Runner-Windows to version 1.3. This update corrects several problems and enhances the overall play of Loderunner. THIS UPDATE IS FOR THE WINDOWS VERSION ONLY! DO NOT USE THIS UPDATE FOR THE MS-DOS VERSION OF LODERUNNER! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS In Windows, from the Program Manager: 1.) Choose RUN from the FILE pull down menu. 2.) Click on the "Browse..." button. 3.) Move to the drive and directory of the patch. 4.) Select the file named "PATCHER.EXE" in the File Name window to the left. 5.) When PATCHER.EXE appears in the COMMAND LINE window, click on OK. 6.) Confirm the path to where LodeRunner is installed on your computer. Click on CONTINUE. 7.) Next, confirm the path to the patch disk or patch files. Click on CONTINUE. 8.) After the patch is installed, choose OK to return to Windows. NOTE: If you encounter a "System Error Cannot Read From Drive X" (where X is the drive letter of your CD ROM) error message while applying the patch, put a computer CD in your CD ROM drive and choose RETRY. WHAT THIS UPDATE (V. 1.3) DOES: 1. Provides faster engine logic for the game. 2. Adds the high scores list. 3. CD optimizations were worked into this version. 4. Corrects "Divide by Zero" error some computers encounter after the Windows joystick drivers are installed. 5. Corrects GPF error messages encountered when restoring games. 6. In two player mode, some users have had the Bunglers freeze. This has been corrected. 7. Pauses in animation when the music loops is also corrected with this patch. 8. Corrects save game problems with version 1.02 patch. TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you continue to experience any problems, our Technical Support Team will be more than happy to assist you. Please call (206) 644-4343 between 8:15 am and 4:45 PM Monday through Friday Pacific time. We can also be reached by fax at (206) 644-7697 or by mail at the following address: SIERRA ON-LINE P.O. BOX 85006 BELLEVUE, WA 98015-8506 ATTN: TECHNICAL SUPPORT You can also reach the Technical Support Department on the following services: Sierra BBS.................(206)644-0112(Settings 8,N,1 up to 14,400 bps) CompuServe Access:.........GO SIERRA Compuserve.................GAMAPUB (Technical Support ID 76004,2143) America Online.............Keyword: Sierra Please outline the problem(s) along with specific information about your computer system, and we will gladly respond to your fax, letter or BBS message as soon as possible.