Contents ICARO, Desktop Help Using Source Target Selective Install General Sound Effects Shell Video Packers ARJ Settings ZIP Settings Troubleshooting This topic has never worked. Help on Help Welcome to Icaro Install Online Help What you're reading right now is a "Help screen." Most Help screens have some highlighted items ("Help keywords") on them that lead to another Help screen. You can use the arrow keys to move Arrow the cursor from one Help keyword to another, then press Enter to choose that item. With the mouse, you can click a Help Mouse keyword to choose that item. How to Use Online Help (To read all of this screen, scroll down.) L You can use Turbo Pascal's online Help from the Help menu or via hot keys. Wherever you are in the Turbo F1 Pascal IDE, you can press F1 to see a Help screen about the menu command or dialog-box item that's currently active. This context-sensitive Help typically comes up in a dialog-style Turbo Help window: Close box V Help scroll bars Help screen V To learn more about using online Arrow Help, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to one of the following Help keywords and press Enter. If you're viewing this screen in a Tab regular Help window, you can Tab to the Help keywords, then press Enter. If you're using a mouse, just click Mouse the Help keyword you're interested in. Welcome to Icaro, The Desktop for DOS Icaro, The Desktop for DOS, provides a clean system that use the same point and click interface as Windows (TM), allowing you easy access to applications and data; it is a simple, complete, and in some cases unique Desktop application with full compressed files support. Icaro is like a desktop that provides many needs of yours: tools like Shredder, Viewer, Calculator, CD-Player, File Manager... In addition Icaro is one of the most sophisticate and easy to use archive shell, removing the burden of remembering all the various command line swithes and options that may be used with archiving programs. What's Welcome to Icaro, The Desktop for DOS Icaro, The Desktop for DOS, provides a clean system that use the same point and click interface as Windows (TM), allowing you easy access to applications and data; it is a simple, complete, and in some cases unique Desktop application with full compressed files support. Icaro is like a desktop that provides many needs of yours: tools like Shredder, Viewer, Calculator, CD-Player, File Manager... In addition Icaro is one of the most sophisticate and easy to use archive shell, removing the burden of remembering all the various command line swithes and options that may be used with archiving programs. - concise description Topics A concise description System Drive Icons Tool Icons Shredder Trashcan Printer/Print Manager Viewer CD-PLayer Multiple Drive Windows Multiple Archive Windows Menu Bar Button Bar, optional, with all the commands available Launch List ALL text video modes supported (up to 132x60!) The ability to istantly switch resolution without leaving the program CD-Rom Player (background) auto detection of CD media type (CD-ROM. CD-Audio, mixed-mode). Mixer Sound effects connected to events ScreenSaver Scan (with external programs) INI configuration file Single, multiple file operations FULL 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION support: copying/moving/renaming/deleting files, DESCRIPT.ION is always updated! Display file comments on the right of your 132x60 Drive Window! Copy (Drag and drop or point and click dialog) Move (Drag and drop or point and click dialog) Delete (Drag and drop on shredder or delete with confirm dialog) Rename Change Attributes Change Timestamp Print in background Integrated Print Manager to manage the queue Integrated ASCII viewer (unlimited file size Integrated players: MOD-VOC-WAV-FLI (background) Unlimited external players/viewers Execute EXE, COM, BAT files double clicking on them "Run Dos Commands" Dialog box, with history list Archive operations FULL ARC/ARJ/LHA/PAK/ZIP/ZOO support Create archives Insert (Drag and drop or point and click dialog) Freshen (Drag and drop or point and click dialog) Update (Drag and drop or point and click dialog) Convert (also nested files) Sfx Comment Strip View Test (also nested files) Directory operations Create, delete, rename, move Directory tree accepts drag and drop files from any Drive or Archive Window. Source Directory The Source Directory is the directory containing the compressed package. Target Directory The Target Directory is the directory where the install program will extract the files from ICARO63B.ZIP. Selective Install You can install Batch files, Documents, Sound Effects. General Intercept Error Messages Use working Directory Update Drive Windows Internal Mouse Support Redefine Fonts Audio Support Screen Saver Load Desktop Start Save Desktop Intercept Error Messages Intercept Error Messages: with this option set, no message box will appear, even if an error occurs; it is useful with programs, like VGIF, that exit with a non-zero ERRORCODE even if all was fine. Use Working Directory When you set it, packers will use the MV## temporary directory and, if that is a RAM DEVICE, execution will be improved. Update Drive Windows Shelling to DOS or executing external programs, it is possible that the original structure of directories change for example, you can delete, copy or add comments to files. With this switch you can force Icaro to reload the content of File Panes of all the windows on the Desktop. Internal Mouse Support Internal Mouse Support avoids the strange effects created by standard mouse drivers with resolutions as 132x60; standard mouse driver is required, but some function are bypassed. Redefine Fonts Enabling this switch you can improve the look of Icaro. Audio Support Audio Support enable sound effects and integrated MOD-NST-WAV-VOC players. Screen Saver Screen Saver protects your screen by displaying moving graphic images when you are not using the computer; you must set check this switch to enable the Screen Saver. Load Desktop on Start Load Desktop on Start restores previously saved Desktop images every time Icaro is launched. Save Desktop on Exit Enabling this switch, every time you exit Icaro, the image of most Desktop objects is saved; saved objects are: Clock, Drive and Tool Icons, Drive Windows, CD-Player. Sound Card None disable integrated audio support (Sound Effects, and MOD-NST bacground player). Auto force Icaro to autodetect the Sound Card installed in the system, but this crashed the sistem very often (Troubleshooting). If so, select one of the supported sound card and insert the correct DMA, IRQ and BaseIO (autodetect makes this for you). Effects You must indicate the directory containing the sound effects associate to events. ALL the sounds MUST be in the same directory. Shell You can use EMS, XMS or DISK to swap Icaro program out and increase available RAM. Be sure that no program corrupts the XMS/EMS swap image, or Icaro will not be able to recover after the swapping, forcing you to reset the machine. If the free memory is insufficient, a swap file is created in the temp directory (specified via environment variable) or the current one. This method is noticeably slower, but safer (see above). Z Network switches are useful when you TEMP to a network directory and you have problems. Video You can change the Icaro resolution selectiong one of supported values; when you start Icaro the first time, a dialog box ask to test the video board and automatically create the list of available settings. Packers You MUST type in Name and Extension of file compression programs (if they are in the PATH environment variable; if not, type in the FULL pathname) and revision number (PkZip). If you do not remember it, exit the program and execute the file compression program. Use the mouse or the Tab key to move around. You can change these settings every time you want. _ The Find command will search supported compression programs in the PATH environment variable. ARJ Settings You can set the ARJ compression factor. ZIP Settings You can set the compression factor and disable advanced feature of PkZip and PkunZip version 2. Troubleshooting The system crashes when I load Icaro. If your system crashes immediately after the audio logo, the problem can be ascribed to the audio engine. Disable the audio support editing the ICARO.INI file: L [System] AudioSupport=FALSE [Sound Card] Card=None Save the modified ICARO.INI file then launch the program again; if Icaro works the problem is certainly in the audio library. If Icaro crashes with the audio support disabled, Icaro itself is the problem. Compile the BUGSHEET.DOC module and send it to me (I will send it to the author of the sound library if it is an sound-card problem). The autodetect (Card=Auto) crashed the sistem very often, but work fine with my Sound Blaster 16 card. Try, one at a time, the available cards and insert the correct DMA, IRQ and BaseIO (autodetect makes this for you). Example: [Sound Card] Card= Sound Blaster 16 IRQ=5 DMA8=1 DMA16=7 BaseIO=$220 The system crashes after I run video test. You must manually add the extended video modes your video card suppors; edit the [Extended Video Modes] group in the ICARO.INI file. ) These are my ET4000 video card settings [Extended Video Modes] #0= 2h 80x25 16p b/w #1= 3h 80x25 16p color #2= 7h 80x25 16p mono #3= 21h 132x60 8p color #4= 22h 132x44 9p color #5= 23h 132x25 16p color #6= 24h 132x28 14p color #7= 26h 80x60 8p color #8= 2Ah 100x40 15p color Y The system crashes after I open a Drive Window. Probably the structure of your partition table is corrupted; use utility like Norton Disk Doctor to correct these errors and delete the TREEINFO file of that drive.