Title: DES3 - MS-Windows DLL and MS-DOS libraries for the NBS Data Encryption Standard (DES) with support of single-, double-, and triple-length keys. Language: ANSI C Compiler: Borland C++ 3.1 Author: Stefan D. Wolf, CI$: 100111,140 Copyright: (c) 1992-94 by Stefan Wolf Software License: No fee for non-commercial use. License for commercial use available on request from: Stefan Wolf Software Gartenstr. 22; D-61449 Steinbach/Ts.; Germany FAX: +49 (0) 6171 980483 Abstract: Data Encryption Standard (DES) - ANSI Standard X3.92-1981 The library modules perform the DES algorithm to encode & decode data in 64-bit Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode; for a given input block and a given key, it always produces the same output block. Files: * DES ECB Libraries for MS-Windows 3.x: DES3.DLL, DES3W.LIB, DES3.H * DES ECB Libraries for MS-DOS 3.3 or above: DES3S.LIB, DES3C.LIB, DES3M.LIB, DES3L.LIB, DES3H.LIB * DES ECB validation sample source: VALIDATE.C, VALIDATE.DEF, VALIDATE.OUT, MAKEFILE * DES ECB validation executables WINVALID.EXE, DOSVALID.EXE * DES ECB file encryption/decryption sample program: DES.EXE DES.C Import/Export Restrictions: None