(zCGDC UltraShadow FTP JEWELS: Delphian yOUR INTERNET guide to internet FTP SITES CasqueOpenFace Barry Krusch Internet Press * Knowledge at the blink of an eye Bookman Electronic Copyright Garamond Narrow 1994 by Barry Krusch :[This document may be (re-transmitted) by (any person, group, or organization) to (any other _person, group, or organization) in (DP ELECTRONIC form only) via (any electronic mode or media, Tincluding modem, storage on a BBS server, CD-ROM distribution, DAT, Syquest, E-Mail, ZLocalTalk, Ethernet, FTP, ISDN, floppy disc, or any other electronic mode of transmission) Vwithout (financial compensation to Internet Press), provided that (no words are added, _substituted, rearranged, omitted or otherwise altered, other than for exclusively personal use) `and (that no hard copies are made, other than for exclusively personal use). This right does not Dextend to documents saved in a format other than DP ELECTRONIC form. ZNOTE TO USER: The purpose of retaining copyright is to insure the textual integrity of the following document. Avant Garde LAST UPDATED: October 6, 1994 7The latest version of this document may be obtained at ftp.netcom.com , cd /pub/krusch Garamond Narrow Machine INTRODUCTION Times LUThe following booklet is a useful index to many interesting FTP sites. I prepared it (:because the thought of senders without receivers galls me. What is FTP? Anonymous FTP )RG is the current Internet protocol for getting files from other computer (Zsystems. It s very simple to use. Once you know know the basic commands, you can get any Wfile from any Internet Anonymous FTP site: e.g., the complete works of Shakespeare, the "complete lyrics from the Beatles %Sgt. Pepper s Lonely Hearts Club Band , statistics, programs, (\and a slew of other things. FTP proves what you ve always suspected: you need a bigger hard drive. *'!procedure for getting an ftp file GFTP to the site from your system prompt. You ll then see a new prompt. &Type anonymous at the prompt. EType your e-mail address up to the sign at the password prompt. Type pathname )/;> to go to the directory wherein your desired file resides. Type get < filename QFTP makes quitters out of all of us. After the file is transferred, type KTo download to your home computer, type sz if you re on a Unix system and you have Zmodem. example of the above procedure XBut enough abstractions. Time for a good old-fashioned FTP simulation. (All simulation (Zscreen typing and screen feedback will be in courier (green and blue, for those with color monitors). YHere s my real-world task: I decide I want to download my index at the site so that I can (erevise it to account for this document. First, I type , a space, and then the address I want to go to, Netcom s FTP site. Courier {netcom11:1} ftp ftp.netcom.com L!Then I get the following message: Connected to ftp.netcom.com. E220 server FTP server (Version wu-2.4(2) Tue Jul 5 16:00:01 PDT 1994) ready. 0Ready! First, I type anonymous at the prompt: Name (ftp.netcom.com:bak): anonymous LB331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. Garamond Narrow Times LYAccepted. Now I have to type my e-mail address, but it doesn t have to be complete, just (\up to the sign. Normally you won t see what you type on your screen, but I m putting it here for clarity: Courier Password: bak@ L/This works, as proven by the following message: D230- Welcome to NETCOM On-line Communications Services, Inc. D230- ------------------------------------------------------- F230-NETCOM provides business and personal connections to the Internet. F230-For more information about NETCOM, see the files in /pub/netcom or 230-call +1 (800) 501-8649. .230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ZI decide to go to my directory (a folder to us Mac people), so I type to change the (2directory path. My folder is in the folder: cd /pub/krusch L4Made it, as proven by the following welcome message: G250- =========== WELCOME TO THE KRUSCH DIRECTORY! ================= D250- I have posted articles, books, and programs of interest to this C250- directory. All are freeware, and may be retransmitted without @250- charge subject to the copyright notice which appears on the 250- files. G250 =================================================================== 250-READ INDEX ONLINE H250- type "get 00index.txt |more" <== [note: those are zeroes before C250- 'index'] Hit space bar to move forward, type 'q' to quit. ;250- To see the index ZOOM by, type "get 00index.txt -" 250-LIST DIRECTORY CONTENTS 250- type "ls" or "dir" 250-DOWNLOAD H250- All files in this site are ASCII unless otherwise noted: to get %250- them, type "get [filename]". 250-TROUBLESHOOT (250- send e-mail to "bak@netcom.com" 250 CWD command successful. WNow I want to get my index sent to my home directory at Netcom, so I type the following at the prompt: Garamond Narrow Courier ftp> get 00index.txt Times LCThose are zeroes I typed, not capital Os. This is also successful: 200 PORT command successful. D150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 00index.txt (9046 bytes). 226 Transfer complete. &local: 00index.txt remote: 00index.txt 19270 bytes received in 0.15 seconds (60 Kbytes/s) (Mission accomplished, its time to leave. ftp> 221 Goodbye. FTPers never fail to quit (to coin a phrase). Back to my Netcom prompt, and time to ("send the file to my home computer: {netcom11:2} sz 00index.txt LWSince I have Zmodem, the file is then automatically stored to the ever-diminishing free space on my hard disk. Machine **)procedure for getting an ftp file by mail XMany unlucky souls have e-mail access, but no FTP access. Here s a fix. Step 1: send e (+mail to any one of the following addresses: ftpmail@cs.uow.edu.au ( )y Australia ftpmail@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de ( Germany ftpmail@grasp.insa-lyon.fr ( France ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk ( Great Britain ftpmail@ieunet.ie ( Ireland ftpmail@lth.se ( Sweden ftpmail@sunsite.unc.edu ( ftpmail@ftp.uu.net ( L[You'll then need to send instructions to the FTP mail server in the body of your letter, in ((the following format, with constants in blue and variables in anonymous your e-mail address $path to directory you want to get to Example )+Q: Sam's e-mail address is "sam@aol.com", so here's what he'd type (in the colors and O to get an ftp document from my site, which is at "netcom.com". (Comments by me are in green Garamond Narrow Times netcom.com anonymous /pub/krusch go to my directory 00index.txt get the file (note: those are zeroes, not capital O quit hasta la vista L^If the file is a binary file (like a program), you'll have to first type two additional lines. netcom.com anonymous /pub/krusch binary binary file . . . uuencode must be turned into ASCII for e-mail prevent.dp LVWhy "binary" and "uuencode"? Because you have to turn binary data to ASCII to send it (Zvia e-mail. A few minutes to a few hours later, you should get the file, which looks like :gobbledygook. That's the ASCII version of binary. Barf. [Now for the fun part: turning an ASCII file back into a binary file. It s times like these (Swhen the concept user interface begins to become awakened in one s otherwise with (`reference-to-interface-issues dormant brain. Using your mail program, export the "letter" to a `file, and call it "myfile.dp". Return to your directory, and type "uudecode myfile.dp". Remove bthe original file by typing "rm myfile". Hopefully, you should now have a restored binary file. If Syour telecommunications software supports Zmodem, you can get the file to your home _computer by typing "sz myfile.dp". (On some systems, you may have to type "sz - b myfile.dp" [the "- b" is for binary]). Machine *'-procedure for ADDING A GOPHER BOOKMARK (USING &VERONICA) TO GET an ftp file by gopher ;There s a really great way to get an FTP file; it s called gopher . Gopher is a high-level (`file access system that allows you to go to a site by selecting menu items. Gopher lets you set bookmarks )5U: once you ve been to a place once via Gopher, subsequent access is a breeze. Gopher (\lets you negotiate directories with the arrow keys instead of typing cd /pub/msdos/source nauseam )+$. Best yet, you can download files directly )%* to your home computer by typing a capital when you hit a file, without first having to download to your Unix-based computer. @In the following example, I will use Gopher to add the FTP site rtfm.mit.edu to my (-Gopher bookmark menu, using a program called Veronica ),& that lets me search a zillion Gophers ( at once ( rtfm.mit.edu );F has to be on someone s Gopher, or the following won t work. Luckily, (.most major FTP sites are on someone s Gopher). RFirst, I type gopher to get to the Netcom gopher. (You may have to type gopher (Ugopher.netcom.com to get there). Once I m there, I arrow-key down to menu item Courier MPress ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Page: 1/3 = Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl5 : Root gopher server: gopher.netcom.com # 1. About this GOPHER server. # 2. Information about NETCOM/ 3. Internet information/ M 4. Jughead - Search High-Level Gopher Menus (via Washington & Lee) , --> 5. Search Gopherspace using Veronica/ Garamond Narrow Courier :> 6. Other Internet Gopher Servers (via U.C. Santa Cruz)/ % 7. Weather (via U. Minnesota)/ 8 8. Worldwide Directory Services (via Notre Dame)/ 9. Interesting items/ ! 10. ATTENTION NETCOM users. (M Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Page: 1/1 Times XI select by hitting the left arrow key on the keyboard. When I get to the screen, I arrow down to item MPress ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Retrieving Directory..\ = Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl5 8 Search Gopherspace using Veronica : 1. How to Compose Veronica Queries - June 23, 1994. J 2. Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) about Veronica - July 29, 1994. G 3. About Veronica: Documents, Software, Index-Control Protocol/ J 4. Experimental Veronica Query Interface: Chooses Server for You!/ @ 5. Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via NYSERNet) J 6. Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via University of Pisa) F 7. Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via U. of Manitoba) K 8. Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via University of Koeln) L 9. Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via UNINETT/U. of Bergen) G --> 10. Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via U.Texas, Dallas) C 11. Find ONLY DIRECTORIES by Title word(s) (via NYSERNet) M 12. Find ONLY DIRECTORIES by Title word(s) (via University of Pisa) I 13. Find ONLY DIRECTORIES by Title word(s) (via U. of Manitoba) O 14. Find ONLY DIRECTORIES by Title word(s) (via University of Koeln.. O 15. Find ONLY DIRECTORIES by Title word(s) (via UNINETT... of Bergen) J 16. Find ONLY DIRECTORIES by Title word(s) (via U.Texas, Dallas) (M Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Page: 1/1 TI go to the Dallas Veronica by arrowing right, and then I type rtfm.mit.edu at the search for prompt. MPress ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Retrieving Directory..\ = Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl5 8 Search Gopherspace using Veronica : 1. How to Compose Veronica Queries - June 23, 1994. J 2. Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) about Veronica - July 29, 1994. G 3. About Veronica: Documents, Software, Index-Control Protocol/ I 4. Experimental Veronica Query Interface: Chooses Server for You! O +---------Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via U.Texas, Dallas)----------+ O | | | Words to search for rtfm.mit.edu )N* | :O | | O | [Cancel ^G] [Accept - Enter] | O | | O +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ M 12. Find ONLY DIRECTORIES by Title word(s) (via University of Pisa) Garamond Narrow Times LaAfter it s done searching, I get a bunch of hits. I decide to pick the first one. I hit the (7key on my keyboard (that s a lower-case ) to add it. Courier ?Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Searching..\ := Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl5 6 Dallas Veronica: rtfm.mit.edu - --> 1. Usenet FAQ archives (rtfm.mit.edu)/ L 2. ARCHIVE ------- USENET FAQ (by newsgroup names) via rtfm.mit.edu / L 3. ARCHIVE ------- USENET FAQ (by hierarchy names) via rtfm.mit.edu / < 4. FAQs from MIT's anonymous ftp server rtfm.mit.edu/ ? 5. PC FAQs from MIT's anonymous ftp server rtfm.mit.edu/ @ 6. Mac FAQs from MIT's anonymous ftp server rtfm.mit.edu/ 8 7. RTFM -- rtfm.mit.edu anon ftp archive of FAQs/ @ 8. List of FAQs from Usenet News archives (rtfm.mit.edu)/ 9 9. Puzzles - rec.puzzles Archives at rtfm.mit.edu/ 10. rtfm.mit.edu/ 11. rtfm.mit.edu/ - 12. usenet FAQ's at rtfm.mit.edu - ftp/ 6 13. FAQ files from news.answers at rtfm.mit.edu/ ' 14. aFTP gateway to RTFM.MIT.EDU/ 15. RTFM.MIT.EDU FAQ site/ M 16. Frequently Asked Questions on Various Subjects (From rtfm.mit.edu)/ = 17. AIX Frequently Asked Questions (From rtfm.mit.edu)/ 4 18. USENET Newsgroup FAQ Files (rtfm.mit.edu)/ (M Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Page: 1/2 7It gives me a chance to rename it to something shorter. :/ Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu = Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl5 O Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via Dallas Veronica): rtfm.mit.edu - --> 1. Usenet FAQ archives (rtfm.mit.edu)/ L 2. ARCHIVE ------- USENET FAQ (by newsgroup names) via rtfm.mit.edu / L 3. ARCHIVE ------- USENET FAQ (by hierarchy names) via rtfm.mit.edu / < 4. FAQs from MIT's anonymous ftp server rtfm.mit.edu/ O +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ O | | | Name for this bookmark? "Usenet FAQ archives (rtfm.mit.edu) | :O | | 5 | [Cancel ^G] [Accept - Enter] | :O | | O +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - 12. usenet FAQ's at rtfm.mit.edu - ftp/ 13. rtfm.mit.edu. 14. rtfm.mit.edu index. 6 15. FAQ files from news.answers at rtfm.mit.edu/ : 16. 32) FTP: rtfm.mit.edu@/pub/usenet/news.answers// = 17. 56) rtfm.mit.edu@/pub/usenet/news.answers/cats-faq/ A 18. 22) FTP: rtfm.mit.edu@/pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism/ (MPress ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Page: 1/3 m lazy, so I just hit the return key. Garamond Narrow Times LXNow the fun part: I hit the letter , and go ahead two pages by hitting the space bar. s added to my menu. Courier :MPress ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Page: 2/3 = Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl5 , Bookmarks 37. wiretap.spies.com/ 38. wuarchive.wustl/ 39. Microsoft FTP Site/ 1 40. ocf.Berkeley.EDU Anonymous FTP Archive/ 41. ocf.berkeley.edu/ '42. Usenet FAQ archives (rtfm.mit.edu)/ (J Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu Page: 3/3 ]If I now hit the right-arrow key, I ll go right to the site. I can then get any file I want. Garamond Narrow Machine useful FTP tips 1In Unix, titles are case-sensitive. Typing Index instead of get index t get you diddly. Use Gopher whenever possible! There is a system called Archie : for finding FTP files by name. In subsequent editions of L^this booklet, I ll go into this more. Get a book on the Internet to find more about this and other navigation tricks. [Some systems require you to type binary before getting binary files (e.g. programs). And +be warned also that some systems, like the cuny.cunyvm system, will somehow manage to L-screw up your download no matter what you do. KSome systems let you read text files while at the site. To do this, type . The symbol is the Unix command s a way to do two things at L`once: in this case, to get the file, and read it online. Hit the spacebar to advance the pages, to quit. \Be an FTP contrarian. Go on after hours or before hours, e.g. before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Unless, of course, you being denied access. OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER Avant Garde hIThe following information was verified by me at the time of this writing. But the Internet is a , not a -in this ever-changing world in which we live, ,some of these addresses are bound to change. Garamond Narrow Helvetica Compressed Artificial Intelligence Palatino Articles Minsky s FTP directory COne of the fathers of artificial intelligence, Marvin Minsky, has a =collection of articles on this complex and fascinating topic. Need to send someone a file like this, fully formatted? These *people are offering a 30-day free trial of @their turbo-ASCII software (the portability of ASCII for Mac and !Windows users with the formatting "available to any word processor), Common Ground : Address: ftp.netcom.com Path: /pub/nohands Unix Book Bibliography #Unix and the C Programming language 3Compilation of books on the UNIX operating system,. Address: ftp.rahul.net Path: /pub/mitch/YABL Helvetica Compressed Drama E-Text That Broadway Feeling . . . Complete E-Text of Grease, Cats, etc. A great resource for (?educators. Give them a libretto to read instead of Dick Meets Jane. Address: quartz.rutgers.edu Path: /pub/theater/musicals Drugs Directories The Fringe Directory 9Everything you wanted to know about forbidden substances, but were forbidden to ask. Address: ftp.spies.com Path: /Library/Fringe/Pharm Education E-Text Incomplete Guide to the Internet 81This is a "how-to" manual designed for educators. Address: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu Path: /Education/Education_Resources Miscellaneous Usenet University 8Miscellaneous papers on an idea just right for its time. Address: nic.funet.fi Path: /pub/doc/uu The Usenet FAQ Archive An Amazing Resource @An astonishing collection of information on just about any topic (under the sun, divided into question and 8answer format, and based on the categorical hierarchy in Usenet. Address: rtfm.mit.edu Path: /pub/usenet/news.answers E-Text Recipes ?If you laid all the recipes in these archives end-to-end, you'd (have a mess of recipes. So don't do it. Address: ftp.spies.com Path: /Library/Article/Food J Address: ftp.uu.net Path: /doc/literary/obi/Recipes J Address: wuarchive.wustl.edu Path: )1 /usenet/rec.food.recipes/recipes Vegetarianism AVegetarians are on the cutting edge of food intake policy. Here are their reasons: Address: rtfm.mit.edu Path: )1&/pub/usenet/rec.answers/vegetarian/faq FTP Sites Galore A big list of FTP sites. Garamond Narrow : Address: ftp.shsu.edu Path: /pub/ftp-list/sites.Z Helvetica Compressed Games Palatino Chess Chess Archives and Updates DIf you love chess, you'll love this site. Lots of programs, a chess #font or two, historical games, etc. Address: ics.onenet.net Path: /pub/chess ($Weekly update of latest chess games: Address: ldis.cs.msu.su Path: /projects/ftp/ca-data/outgoing Puzzles Puzzle Archives *A gaggle of puzzles. Dozens hundreds!! Address: rtfm.mit.edu Path: )1$/pub/usenet/news.answers/puzzles/faq ( Solutions Solutions Archive 8Tired of beating your head against the wall? Stop that! Address: nic.funet.fi Path: /pub/doc/games/solutions Learn About Go ;Chess computers can beat Chess grandmasters, but they still 6can't beat Go grandmasters. Learn the game that still $intimidates our inorganic opponents. Address: bsdserver.ucsf.edu Path: General Information Internet E-Text Bibliography E-Text information 3Information on where to get E-text on the Internet. Address: ftp.spies.com Path: /alt.etext ( Mnemonics Mnemonics List 8.Every good boy does fine when using mnemonics. Address: ftp.spies.com Path: )1&/Library/Article/Language/mnemonic.txt Statistics Sports Statistics ?Who was the only baseball player to hit a home run in his first ?at-bat, and never again hit another in his decades-long career? You may find the answer here. Address: wuarchive.wustl.edu Path: /doc/misc/sports Language Statistics 4When you write to a Usenet newsgroup, your words are @tabulated by computer. A compilation of the word-use statistics Aare kept below: did you know that as of this writing the word "I" Eis used more than "and", "is", and "it"? I, I, I, I didn t know that! Address: wuarchive.wustl.edu Path: /doc/misc/sports Government/Law/Politics E-Text Conservative Papers 8The same media who tells you that a quasi-Constitutional Republic (the U.S.) is a )N Democracy (in one of the great 8?Orwellian accomplishments of the First through Fourth Estates), tells you that conservative )5# view is the view from the "right", 86when this view really may be "wrong . Rule 323: Beware :ideologies which get legitimacy from semantic piggybacking ;(e.g. the "Lords" in England, the "Justices" of the Supreme 9Court [also the U.S. criminal "justice" system], and most >immediately relevant, the fact that if you have "conservative" Copinions, you are a part of the "right"), substituting touchy-feely 8emotion (gained from identity with the formerly-known-as >"good") for reasoned analysis. Anyway, here's a collection of ,these views, and you can judge for yourself. Address: cathouse.org Path: /pub/cathouse/conservative Cases and Briefs Supreme Court Opinions =A nice collection of Supreme Court briefs and legal opinions. +Find out what the Injustices are up to now! Garamond Narrow L Address: ftp.cwru.edu Path: /hermes/ascii hermes/briefs Palatino Lists Internet Information Souces )Where to get U.S. government information. Address: ftp.nwnet.net Path: )1)/user-docs/government/gumprecht-guide.txt General %Government/Legal Documents Collection =A nice collection of legal documents, including Congressional 6phone and fax numbers, Amendments to the Constitution, Bspeeches, Inaugural addresses, treatises, and, of course, the U.S. Budget, all ten pounds of it. Address: ftp.spies.com Path: World Constitutions Check out the competition. Address: ftp.spies.com Path: /Gov/World Helvetica Compressed Humor E-Text Rutgers Archive 9All play and no work makes Jack a jerk. But a reasonable "amount of play gives Jack panache. Address: quartz.rutgers.edu Path: /pub/humor At the Cathouse ?No, I don't know why they call this a "cathouse." At any rate, ;lots of humor here: more than you may know what to do with. Address: cathouse.org Path: /pub/cathouse Top Ten Lists David Letterman's Top Ten lists. : Address: quartz.rutgers.edu Path: )1 /pub/tv+movies/letterman/top-ten StandUp Comics :Routines of Rodney Dangerfield, Groucho Marx, Lenny Bruce, and many others. J Address: cathouse.org Path: /pub/cathouse/standup Monty Python !These guys put me on the floor. Monty Python and the Holy Grail < is a film comedy classic. Here are two places to go to get 8'some of their sketches and screenplays. Address: nic.funet.fi Path: )1'/pub/culture/tv+film/series/MontyPython J Address: ocf.berkeley.edu Path: /pub/Library/Monty_Python Political Humor ,If you can't beat 'em, you can laugh at 'em. Address: quartz.rutgers.edu Path: /pub/cud/law Internet Online Books !Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet =The "I'm a brain-dead nitwit" schema for book marketing seems >to be very successful: here s an example that doesn t disprove what seems to be the rule. Address: ftp.netcom.com Path: /pub/kmitchel Zen and the Art of the Internet ;The first edition of the Internet booklet, now published in hardcover. Address: ftp.csn.net Path: /pub/net/zen Lists Usenet News Groups ?A fairly comprehensive list of all available USENET newsgroups, with descriptions, in two parts. Address: rtfm.mit.edu Path: )1*/pub/usenet/news.answers/active-newsgroups Language Fringe College Slang Garamond Narrow (?Direct from those original neologistic fountains, our colleges, Acomes this dictionary of college slang. You need never be out of touch again. Address: ftp.spies.com Path: )1#/Library/Article/Language/slang.col Palatino Other The Devil's Dictionary 4Brilliant alternative definitions by Ambrose Bierce. Address: ftp.std.com Path: )1+/obi/Ambrose.Bierce/The.Devils.Dictionary.Z Helvetica Compressed Literature Online Books Many E-Text Sites :Following are the addresses and paths of electronic books, -including Carroll, Dickens, Shakespeare, etc. Address: nic.funet.fi Path: /pub/doc/literary : Address: ftp.std.com Path: : Address: ftp.uu.net Path: /doc/literary : Address: oak.oakland.edu Path: /pub/misc/books Poetry Poetry Collection 8I thought that I would never see, E..E Cummings on FTP. Address: ocf.berkeley.edu Path: /pub/Library/Poetry Original Poetry Archive Poetry by the rest of us. Address: quartz.rutgers.edu Path: /pub/origworks Individual Books Finnegans Wake >Joyce's astonishing achievement is now searchable by computer. most thoughtful and thorough reframing of the Constitution yet Aattempted . . . . After reading this new Constitution, you may :find that idea is not as crazy as it might otherwise seem. Suggest today to the citizens of Massachusetts that they chuck =the constitution they have now to go back to living under the ;Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 (the document upon which =much of our 1787 constitution was based), and they ll look at Ayou like you re a nut. But fail to make the suggestion, and they >should still look at you like you re a nut, because that s the =situation at the Federal level! Week after week, month after ?month, year after year, we pay. And pay. These days, nothing is free, not even insanity. ?If you re sane, or just low on cash, this is the book for you. Address: ftp.netcom.com Path: /pub/krusch Classical CD Hall of Fame Garamond Narrow (AToo many people who d like to start listening to classical music the genre for those who d like to explore this fascinating art form. Address: ftp.netcom.com Path: /pub/krusch Palatino Book Reviews Review Archive &If you can t read em, read about Address: ftp.csn.net Path: /pub/alt.books.reviews Helvetica Compressed Magazines Lists Electronic Magazine List A list of electronic magazines Address: ftp.netcom.com Path: /pub/johnl/zines/e-zine-list Fringe Fringe Archive 2For those on the edge, text from journals such as Mindflow Lucifers.Echo. )@0This site is also a master pointer to many other (+purveyors of E-Text well worth exploring. Address: etext.archive.umich.edu Path: /pub/Zines : Address: ftp.spies.com Path: /Library/Techdoc/Zines Back Issues Archive. Address: oak.oakland.edu Path: /pub/misc/byte Mother Jones Archive. Address: mojones.com Path: /pub/Mother_Jones_Text PC Magazine Archive. Address: ftp.cco.caltech.edu Path: /pub/ibmpc/pcmag Archive. Address: oak.oakland.edu Path: /pub/misc/byte Medical Treatments t Pay the Carpal Tunnel Toll :RSI or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome got you down and out for the =count? Ick! Invest a few keystrokes, and get some self-help information from this site. Address: ftp.csua.berkeley.edu Path: /pub/typing-injury Movies Lists Movie Lists A list of films categorized. Address: ftp.spies.com Path: /Library/Media/Film Weird Movie Lists #Descriptions of weird movies, like Smokey and the Bandit II J Address: ftp.spies.com Path: /Library/Media/Film/weird.mov Reviews Reviews Archive Reviews of many movies. Address: nic.funet.fi Path: /pub/culture/tv+film/reviews Music Lyrics -Lyrics Archive at the University of Wisconsin 8My nominee for the most amazing FTP resource. How'd you >like the complete lyrics for the Beatles, Elvis Costello, Pink RQ.; *3(@0+:J /,H=1<3)2 0EAOJVMW `00p` ph@ p 0p`P 0*.8&;% 3# +4"<=$ 1(" $. #+&%" 5P4AT >RQ.; *3(@0+:J /,H=1<3)2 0EAOJVMW 0*.8&;% 3# +4"<=$ 1(" $. temp.0001 Demo Version Common Ground 1.1 Demo Version Common Ground 1.1 Microsoft Word Bookman Palatino Times Courier Avant Garde UltraShadow Garamond Narrow Delphian Machine CasqueOpenFace9 Helvetica Compressed jPREC vPRVS