UltraShadow +Z| APHORISMS CasqueOpenFace Barry Krusch Internet Press * Knowledge at the blink of an eye Bookman Electronic Copyright Courier 1994 by Barry Krusch ZPThis document may be (re-transmitted) by (any person, group, or organization) to P(any other person, group, or organization) in (DP ELECTRONIC form only) via (any Jelectronic mode or media, including modem, storage on a BBS server, CD-ROM Sdistribution, DAT, Syquest, E-Mail, LocalTalk, Ethernet, FTP, ISDN, floppy disc, or Many other electronic mode of transmission) without (financial compensation to LInternet Press), provided that (no words are added, substituted, rearranged, Somitted or otherwise altered, other than for exclusively personal use) and (that no Shard copies are made, other than for exclusively personal use). This right does not Dextend to documents saved in a format other than DP ELECTRONIC form. INOTE TO USER: The purpose of retaining copyright is to insure the textual $integrity of the following document. Avant Garde LAST UPDATED: October 6, 1994 7The latest version of this document may be obtained at ftp.netcom.com , cd /pub/krusch Caslon 540 Roman +Hh+The first idea is to reject the first idea. *$+If no one goes first, no one goes anywhere. *$*Know what the score is before you give up. *$(Only dead salmon float with the current. *$.You don't make a difference by being the same. The Inner You wants H6No one ever struck oil just by scratching the surface. Every hammer makes a dent. When you mine, mine gold. Polish every gem. Young forks define cement. Seal off the wrong roads. *$KIf you travel down the same path, don't be surprised when you arrive at the same destination. *$&What some do easily, others do hardly. *$7You re dealing with someone who needs to be dealt with. *$&They thought pain was part of the job. A warning is a courtesy. Caslon 540 Roman +HV#Revenge is a form of communication. Language is compiled time. *$KIf he talked to you so that you knew he knew what he was talking about, you (wouldn t know what he was talking about! *$2Arrogance is the price you pay for being superior. Whole lotta low. *$0His lack of class puts him in a different class. Inertia doesn't need your help. Roots are under the ground. Cult is short for culture. *$(Capitalism is a philosophy of education. *$2All history is the attempt to escape from history. *$?It's hard to feel like a person when you're a cog in the wheel. *$'Slow suicide is not a viable lifestyle. *$:Rationalization is a lack of will masquerading as thought. Every follower leads others. *$)He turns off people better off turned on. *$&Money pollutes the nature of exchange. *$=You didn't think OF it because you weren't thinking ABOUT it. Caslon 540 Roman +Hh?Some people say "we're behind you" when they're standing on the sidelines. *$DThe paper-house of rationalization is blown away by the hurricane of plausibility. *$@The sandcastles of resolve are eroded by the waves of subsequent experience. *$&Pounds of promises, ounces of results. *$5Step furtively into the territory of the inauthentic. *$HCompromise with mediocrity and you get something a little less mediocre. *$+Today's fashion is tomorrow's cut-out rack. *$1The fresher it is, the more dated it will become. *$-The stronger the dog, the stronger the leash. *$1If ignorance were bliss, Earth would be Paradise. *$-There's nothing more real than a possibility. *$/Every objection brings us closer to the answer. *$HThe word "can" makes mountains of molehills, and molehills of mountains. *$&Christ is the guy nailed to the cross. *$&Posit an end which demands your means. *$!People who do nothing go nowhere. Caslon 540 Roman +HV>The longer you take to fix it, the longer it will take to fix. *$?No better way to suffocate than to stick your head in the sand. *$.The more you learn, the less wrong you become. *$&Don't give up power to become a slave. *$9If eternal Heaven is possible, eternal Purgatory is Hell. *$.When you sit in front of the TV, feel nervous. *$.They're light years away from that perception. *$#A good society is the best therapy. *$8Sometimes to change reality, you have to ignore reality. *$KFear of courage (afraid his courage will lead him into fearful situations). People stuck at the never move on to the H#The tool is fighting the blueprint. *$,They go after you because you're the target. *$#Jealousy is the father of marriage. What rubs off, wears off. *$PIf you never fire a shot, you'll never know that your gun is loaded with blanks. *$+Easy discourse censors difficult discourse. *$!You've got to be good to survive. Caslon 540 Roman +HV'Good writing is a record of liberation. *$8He plays the same game, but he's not in the same league. Perception is an effort. Tone makes all the difference. *$.Isolation punctuated with bouts of friendship. The deformed avoid mirrors. *$-They only let you in when you're one of them. *$$Be on the cutting edge of Evolution. Prepare or repair. Your category is too small. *$FOn seeing with your ears: sometimes you see things which aren't there. *$)Probability weighs more than possibility. Guilt is insight. *$8The visitor's view is more accurate than the resident's. Stupidity is a choice. *$IYou're not only affected by your environment, but the environment of your father and grandfather. *$N"Never show half-completed work to a fool": a message not only to artists, but also to fools. Caslon 540 Roman +HVEThe truth of a statement is independent of the fact of its utterance. *$OIf you don't want him to push you off a cliff, tie yourself to him with a rope. *$MA piece in the jigsaw puzzle may be tiny, but if you don't have it, you can't complete the puzzle. *$ESome people let minor problems stop them from solving major problems. People who nothing criticizing people who do something for not doing everything H)Knowledge is the clay, not the sculpture. *$@Whatever is happening is one phenomenon multiplied by a million. *$/At the pinnacle, the air is purer, but thinner. You win wars by losing battles. *$They say the food has no taste when they can't taste the food. *$)To HAVE confidence you must BE confident. Christmas is wearing off. You know God when you know. *$#Hell is created in dribs and drabs. *$,It's a mystery because you don't understand. *$9The Tin Rule: Treat others the way you have been treated. *$NSome attempt to do with nerves of steel what is best attempted with a vault of gold. *$%Stability has high opportunity costs. *$0A bad system is a trouble-manufacturing machine. Caslon 540 Roman PROVERBS THROUGH A FILTER H0Behind every man is a woman, waiting to get out. *$!The lady doth protest not enough. This land is not your land. He gambled and you lost. You get what you don't pay for. *$*They slip us into something uncomfortable. *$#Don't feed the hand that bites you. *$#Put your mouth where your money is. *$/If you do the time, you've got to do the crime. Might makes wrong. *$EIt's impossible to keep your chin up and your nose to the grindstone. *$!Evasions speak louder than words. He who irritates is lost. *$&Your lack of knowledge is their power. *$!What you don't know can kill you. *$)Angels rush in where fools fear to tread. *$9While some go out on a limb, others chop down the branch. Caslon 540 Roman +HV9In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is reviled. I am, therefore I think. *$ As you slow, so shall you creep. ( <&@ #+&%" '2,6"1;+ #+&%" '2,6"1;+ FN^NuNV $`Lt temp.0001 Demo Version Common Ground 1.1 Demo Version Common Ground 1.1 Microsoft Word Bookman Courier Avant Garde UltraShadow CasqueOpenFace9 Caslon 540 Roman jPREC vPRVS