═══ 1. Getting Started ═══ Before using ZOC you should browse through one of the following help topics (according to your datacom knowledge). Novice (new to datacom) Experienced (new to ZOC) Experienced (ZOC V1.x User) If you have questions about ordering ZOC, see General Info. ═══ 1.1. Help for Datacom Novices ═══ If you never used a datacom program, it is highly recommended to order and read the printed documentation for ZOC. It contains a guide to datacom and explains a lot of the technical terms in the first part (user guide). You should work through the tutorial there. If you don't have a printed manual (it can be ordered from the distribution/registration sites), you could print the help file (from the help window's print button). Proceed like described in the topic for Experienced Users but make sure you read the according help topics carefully. After you made your first call, you should make yourself familiar with other ZOC functions and options. You will find many new things that seem of no use at first sight, but if you read about them you will remember them later when they come handy. The help file contains a complete Menu Function and Options reference. Showing the Contents of the help file might be useful as well. ═══ 1.2. Experienced Users (new to ZOC) ═══ If you never used ZOC before, you should proceed as follows: 1. First, read the help topic about the Screen Elements. Don't miss the section about the main window (about clipping text with the mouse). 2. Then, customize the options in the modem section (make sure you read the help pages there, ZOC does some things in a slightly different way to other programs) and make sure you use a modem init string you already used successfully in another comm program (don't forget to append ^M to it). Then set the serial parameters (checking the settings from your other comm program might help a lot) and customize your window. Then save the options to disk. 3. Next, you should open the phone book and create a new entry for your favorite bbs or host. Don't miss the help topic for the AutoLogin feature (it's so far uniqe to ZOC and can make things a LOT easier). Everything else is more or less similar to other comm programs. Before calling it, you should set the options for the phone book (use the Options button in the main window of the phone book, or phone book options from the Options->Global Menu). 4. Make a call and check if everything works. If not, try to find the problem (compare your settings with those of the comm program that worked for you so far). 5. If everything works you should make yourself familiar with other ZOC functions and options. You will find many that are similar to the comm program you already used, but there will be a lot of new things as well. The help file contains a complete Menu Function and Options reference. Showing the Contents of the help file might be useful as well. ═══ 1.3. Version Shock (ZOC V1.x -> V2.x) ═══ If you have already used ZOC V1.x, you will very likely be pleased about the improvements since V1.33 (unless you are a real purist and don't like new features). But no progress comes free, so there are a few things that had to be changed in order to maintain a logical user interface or for technical reasons. Here is a list of things that you should be aware of or that you might miss when browsing through the menus and options (obviosly new things are not listed). o The options are now split into Global Options and Options Sets Most of the Global Options are new, but the Directories and the Phone Cost Manager were moved out of the options booklet. o The phone cost calculation was completely redesigned, the install program does not convert your existing phone cost setup. o The screen marking of blocks (formerly with the right mouse button) was changed to Alt+left mouse button. o The right mouse button now brings up menus in the phone book, in the main window and in the status line. o The right mouse button now brings up the setup dialogs in the toolbar and in the button bar. o A find command was added to the capture browse window (press 'F'). o The call log file now logs file transfers. o Modem init and dial strings now require a ^M at the end (this should work automatically). o Ctrl+Space now sends ^@ o There is a setup for multimedia WAV files in the directory options. ═══ 1.4. Starting ZOC (command line parameters) ═══ There are some parameters, that can be specified when starting ZOC from the commandline or from an icon. ZOC [/C] [/M] [/O:] [/S:] [/U] /C This option specifies that you want ZOC to open the COM port in shared (cooperative) mode. This way other programs can access the COM port together with ZOC (but only if they open it in shared mode as well, which OS/2-MDOS and WINOS2 programs don't). /M This option specifies that you want to start ZOC with its windows minimized. ZOC will not show requesters. Instead it will use the default action of these. This way ZOC will not stop and wait for an answer if you start it at 3.00AM to automatically collect your messages if something unusual happens. /O With this option, you can tell ZOC to load an options file at start time (normally OPTIONS\STANDARD is used). This can be useful if you have more than one modem and different setups for these. A path should be specified, eg. ZOC /O:OPTIONS\COM2OPTS /S With this option, you can tell ZOC to process a scriptfile after start. A path can be specified, eg. 'ZOC /S:SCRIPT\NIGHTCALL' /U This option specifies unattended mode. In unattended mode ═══ 1.5. Screen Elements ═══ The elements of the screen are: o Menu o Toolbar o Custom Button Bar o Main Window o Chat Field o Status line ═══ 1.5.1. Menu ═══ The menu lets you select most of the ZOC functions (for a description of the particular functions see see Menu Overview). ═══ 1.5.2. Toolbar ═══ The toolbar offers icons for most of the functions in ZOC. You will see a description for each icon, if you move the mouse over it and wait half a second. You can Customize the Toolbar from the Options Menu or by clicking with the right mouse button on the toolbar. ═══ 1.5.3. Custom Button Bar ═══ The custom button bar is located beneath the toolbar and offers buttons that can be defined in Button Options of the Options Menu to start REXX programs or send text. ═══ 1.5.4. Main Window ═══ The main window displays the received text. You can bring up a popup menu by clicking the right mouse over the main window. You can mark text with the left mousebutton (this is called stream mode). If you hold the Alt key pressed while marking text, the selection will be made in block mode rather than in stream mode (block mode lets you select arbitrary rectangular areas on the screen, stream mode is line orientated). If you hold the Ctrl key pressed while doing the selection, the text will be appended to the text that already is in the clipboard rather than overwriting it. The marked text is copied into the clipboard and can be accessed from the functions Send, Send without CRs, Send quoted, Send CIS-quoted, Print and Edit in the Cliptext Menu and with some key shortcuts. ═══ 1.5.5. Chat Field ═══ The chat field is an entry field into which you can enter text. The text is not sent until you press enter. This is helpful if you are in an online conference or if you use a remote shell that does not provide command editing and history. The chat field can be activated from Window Options or by pressing Alt+C or by pressing the Scroll-Lock key (the latter, only if defined accordingly in Terminal Options). If the cursor is in the chat field, you can discard it by pressing ESC, Alt+C or the Scroll-Lock key. You can use arrow keys to retrieve the last few lines you typed (this works like the command history in an OS/2 shell). ═══ 1.5.6. Status Line ═══ The status line provides information about and access to some options (if your ZOC window is not wide enough (because of a small font) some of the information will not be available). Using the right mouse button in the status line brings up a popup menu that gives access to all options dialogs. Serial Parameters This button displays the currently set line speed and parameters. Clicking on the field with the left mouse button brings up the Serial Options dialog. Transfer Protocol This button displays the currently set file transfer protocol. Clicking on the field brings up the Transfer Options dialog. Emulation This button displays the current terminal emulation. Clicking on the button brings up the Emulation Options dialog Timer This button displays the timer. The value depends on the currently set mode (see Cost Description and Window Options). A lowercase letter a-h means that a timer unit is selected and that the timer was stopped. A capital letter indicates that the timer is running. A number (n) after the letter indicates that the n-th time section for the distance zone is currently used. A click on the button brings up the Timer Options dialog. LEDs The four LEDs in the status line provide two services: If they turn green, your host has requested the Vt100 LED service and sets the LEDs according to the application you run. The LEDs will stay green until you change the emulation or clear the screen from the Misc Menu If they are red they display additional status information: LED 1 ON: Modem Carrier Detect OFF: No Carrier. LED 2 Bright Red: Script running. Blue: Doorway mode active. Pink: Autologin running. LED 3/4 Modem receive-data and send-data. They can be turned off in the Window Options. Logfile This checkmark displays the name of the logfile and opens or closes it. Online Time This shows how long you are (or have been) connected to a host. Window Size This shows the size of the window (colums x rows). ═══ 2. Menu Overview ═══ The menu provides seven submenus which give you access to ZOC's functions: o MODEM o LOGFILE o CAPTURE o CLIPTEXT o TRANSFER o MISC o OPTIONS ═══ 2.1. Modem Menu ═══ The modem menu manages all necessary functions to maintain the modem an to connect to a host. Initialize This function sends the init string defined in the Modem Options to the modem to set it to a defined state. It will do this regardless of the current carrier detect state. Manual Dial This function opens a window to enter a phone number. This number is then dialed using the dial string (see Modem Options) you specify in the window as well. If the number is busy or cannot be reached for any reason, ZOC will redial it using the options specified in the Phone Book Options. Hangup Disconnects the line using the hangup method defined in Modem Options Send Break Pulls the data pin of the modem low for a given time (see Modem Options). This is called 'sending a break'. Some systems use this to stop the current operation. Auto Answer This function enables/disables the auto answer mode of your modem using the commands you set up in Modem Options In auto answer mode the modem will automatically pick up the phone when the phone rings and will try to establish a data connection with the calling modem (of course this is not a good idea when you expect voice calls). Phone book The phone book is a dialog to maintain your personal dialling directory or to connect to one or more numbers from it (see Phone Book). Call next If you select more than one host to call in the phone book, ZOC connects to the first of them that is available. After finishing the call you can select this function to try to reach the next available host. Call XXXX At the end of the modem menu appear those entries from the phone book that have the Menu Access option enabled (see Changing Phone Book Entries. This is handy for hosts you call often. ═══ 2.2. Logfile Menu ═══ ZOC maintains four different logging methods. One is logging to a memory buffer, (called Capture) so you can review data that scrolled off the screen during a session. Another is the logfile that logs all incoming data permanently to a file on the hard disk. Yet another is redirecting all incoming data directly to the printer. The last one, the call log, logs time, duration, cost and file transfers of your calls to a file (see Call Log). The Logfile Menu controls the logfile and printer logging. Set Name Set the name of the current logfile. The name can be automatically selected from the phone book when connecting to a host (when starting ZOC the logfile gets its name from Capture Options). You may use special placeholders for the name as described in the Capture Options and the Code Section of the appendix. Default Name This sets the logfile to the file defined in Capture Options. Log active This function changes the toggles the status of logging between on and off. This can also be achieved by clicking on the capture name in the Status Line and can be done remotely if your host supports the DC2/DC4 logging protocol (see Capture Options). Delete Since you can build logfile names that contain the current date you might end up with a lot of logfiles. Using this function lets you delete logfiles you do not need any more. Log to printer Sometimes it is handy to have part of a session sent to the printer. This is possible by enabling this function before receiving the data (eg. before reading a mail). Additionally it is possible to print already received text, by opening the capture window (see Capture Menu), marking the text with the mouse (to copy it to the clipboard). and printing the contents of the clipboard from the Clipboard Menu ═══ 2.3. Capture Menu ═══ The capture menu manages all functions necessary to log incoming data in a memory buffer (called Capture) to scroll back and review received text during a session. All incoming data can be logged to a file (logfile) and/or printer as well (see Logfile Menu. Browse This function shows the contents of the capture (for more information see Browse Window). Clear Clears the capture buffer. This function is affected by the Safety Options. Load Loads a file from disk to the end of the capture buffer. Edit Starts the editor defined in Directories with the contents of the capture buffer. After you leave the editor, the modified contents will be moved back into capture buffer. Note: This functions closes the browse window if it is open. Print Sends the entire contents of the view buffer to the printer (also availalble from the Toolbar). Of course this can result in a lot of printing. ═══ 2.4. Cliptext Menu ═══ Cliptext is text that is stored in the clipboard of the WPS. Normally it is copied from a ZOC screen by marking characters with the left mouse button (this can be combined with the Alt key), but it can be copied or cut from an editor or any other program as well. Mark This function is just an info message of how to put text from screen into the clipboard. Copy Window This function copies the entire contents of the ZOC text window into the clipboard. Send This function takes text from the clipboard and sends it to the modem. The sending is done like an ascii upload and the delay and CR/LF translation from Ascii Upload Options are used. Send (no CRs) Takes text from the clipboard and sends it to the modem. Carriage Returns are ignored and a Space is sent instead. This function is affected by the Ascii Options in the Transfer Options window. Imagine the following case: You searched a host for files with the keyword TERM and the host gave you a list of filenames - one in each line. To download all files, you could mark the list with a box (left mouse button while pressing the Alt key) and send them with a space between them when the host asks for the filenames to download. Send quoted Text from the clipboard is sent. Each line is preceeded by '> ' to indicate a quotation. If you press the shift key while selecting this function, ZOC will reformat the text to fit into the line before sending it. The function is also available from the Toolbar and is affected by the Ascii Upload Options in the Transfer Options window and Quote always smart in the Window Options window. Note: If you hold the shift key pressed while selecting this function, the text will be reformatted to fit a given width. Send CIS-quoted The quoting style of the Send Quoted function is used widely across the networks. However, on Compuserve most people quote text by starting the quotation with >> and ending it with <<. This function works the same as Send Quoted but uses the Compuserve quotation style. Note: If you hold the shift key pressed while selecting this function, the text will be reformatted to fit a given width. Edit Calls the system editor (see Directory Options) with the contents of the clipboard. After saving, the new contents is written back into the clipboard. Print Sends the contents of the clipboard to the printer (the printer port is defined in Directory Options). ═══ 2.5. Transfer Menu ═══ The transfer menu allows you to send files to the host or receive them from it. Upload Sending a file to a host is called an Upload. To do this the sender and receiver use certain methods called Transfer Protocols. The upload function sends a file to the host using the currently active protocol (see Transfer Options). Download Receiving a binary file from a host is called a Download. The same transfer protocols are used as for uploads. Downloads are affected by the Transfer Options. ASCII Send This functions takes text from a file and sends it to the modem without using a file transfer protocol. Roughly spoken, an ascii upload is the same as typing text very fast. This way you can prepare messages using an editor before you call a host and then send the file with this function when the host asks you to type your message. Note: If the host loses characters in this process, you can specify a delay for each character in the Transfer Options window. Plugs This function gives access to add in modules (so called Plug-In-Protocols) and lets you do Setup, Upload or Download for them. Plug-In-Protocols are provided from third party and are stored in DLL files named PIP*.DLL. Currently there are PIPs available for Kermit and Compuserve-B file transfer. If no such modules exist in your ZOC directory, this function will be disabled. Transfer Shell Transfer shell launches a command processor from which you can start command line based external protocols that can accept a file handle for the com port. The handle of the communications port is given in the environment variable ZOCHFC. Example: M2ZMODEM -u %ZOCHFC% -r .\DOWNLOADS ═══ 2.6. Misc Menu ═══ Start Script Starts a REXX program (or script). REXX is something like a batch programs for ZOC, which lets you process specific tasks automatically (see ZOC Automation). Stop Script Stops a currently running REXX. Edit Script Call the editor to modify a script file manually. Learn Script Most of the time REXX is used automate logins. Writing these is a rather tedious and boring task that can, for the most part, be done automatically. If you select this function before calling a host, ZOC will monitor the login process and create a REXX program that handles the login automatically. Note: The program will only contain the code neccessary for the log in. It will not contain commands to call that host (which is normally done from the phone book and not from script). Stop Learning After you enabled script learning and logged into a host you tell ZOC to stop the learning process. ZOC will ask you for a name and store the script accordingly. The name you use can be entered into the REXX field of a phone book entry (see Changing Phone Book Entries). and ZOC will execute it to log you into that host after making a connection. Lock Macros Lock the macro keys to prevent unauthorized use. Unlock Macros Unlock the macro keys again. If defined, the password from Safety Options is required. Reset Timer Reset the timer in the status line which displays the time or cost of your current call. Hold Timer Stop the timer in the status line which displays the time or cost of your current call. Release Timer Restart the timer in the status line which displays the time or cost of your current call. Set Timer Set the timer to a specific value. Split Chat The split chat function splits the screen horizontally and shows text you type in the lower half while displaying text you receive in the upper. This is handy if you want to chat with someone who called you by modem. Note: You should not use this function while accessing a remote host. Clear Screen This functions just clears the terminal screen and resets the LEDs in the Status Line back to red. Snippets ZOC monitors your input data stream for filenames, fido node numbers, Compuserve user IDs and internet adresses and collects them in a little window that floats aside the ZOC window. Using this function you can show or hide the Snippets Window. When it is showing, you can send one of the collected items by double clicking it with the mouse. Note: This feature needs a bit of cpu power, so if you don't need it or don't have fast machine you should disable it in the Window Options. A good compromise is to hide the window most of the time (thus monitoring the input stream but saving the cpu power to update the window) and to show it (using the Alt+. key combination) when it is needed. Note: You can change the font of the Snippets window by dragging a font from the System->Setup->Fonts folder of the WPS and dropping it above the Snippets window. Editor Call the editor defined in the Directory Options. OS/2 Shell Call the shell defined in the Directory Options. ═══ 2.7. Options Menu ═══ The options menu is used to define the characteristics of ZOC. There are basically two kinds of options: global options and option sets. The global options (like directory or sound file names) remain the same for all the hosts you call, while options from the options sets (like the settings of the macro keys or character translation) will very likely change from host to host. Different option sets can be stored in files an can be retrieved when calling a host. There is one special option set named STANDARD which is used when you start ZOC. Global Display a submenu to jump to one of the global option definition dialogs (see Global Options). Settings Opens a settings notebook to define all kind of options (see Options Notebook). Jump to Display a submenu to jump to a specific page in the options booklet. Save Save the current set of options to disk. Save As Save an options set in a file with a different name. If saved as STANDARD, it will be loaded automatically when ZOC is started. Load Load a set of options. Reset Reset the current options set to the default state. ═══ 3. Phone Book ═══ Select How to use the phone book or Changing a phone book entry. ═══ 3.1. How to use the phone book ═══ The phone book acts as a personal dial directory for numbers you call with your modem. It is subdivided into four sections (default, 1st, 2nd and 3rd alternate) which means, that you practically have four different phone books. The main window lets you select one or more hosts to call and gives you functions like Delete or Edit that are necessary to maintain the list. Dial Connects to one or more selected entries. If you select more than one entry (to do this, hold the Ctrl key pressed while you click on one entry after the other with the mouse) ZOC will connect to the first that is available and store the others in an internal dial queue so you can call them later (using the Call Next operation from the Modem Menu). Delete Deletes one or more entries from phone book. Edit Changes the data of the selected entry (check Changing a Phone Book Entry for details). New Creates and edit a new entry in this section of the phone book. Clone Creates and copy of the selected entry and opens the edit window. Due Selects all entries which are due for calling (marked with a little yellow flash in front of the phone number). ZOC determines the entries that are due for calling by looking at the date of the last call and the 'Call after xx days' field from the edit window. Print Prints the selected entries. Default Book#1/2/3 All These buttons show the selected section of the phone book. Options Show the phone book options (this is the same as calling the phone book options from the options menu). ═══ 3.2. Changing a phone book entry ═══ Name A name for the entry. For multi port hosts, you should use names that are equal in the first six characters (eg. AVALON-1, AVALON-2 ...). This ZOC will maintain call dates and the like for all ports of the host instead of updating only the one that was called. Phone number The phone number of the host. Call every XX days If ZOC finds a carrier detect signal after calling a host, it will update the date of last call for the called entries (and all others that are equal to the one that was called in the first six characters of the name, thus managing multi-line hostes correctly, see above). If you want to call a host regularly (say once a week) you can enter the number of days here after which ZOC should remind you (by showing a symbol in front of the phone number in the main window) that it is time to call that host again. Phone book Select the phone book section to store this entry to. Sort first The phone book is sorted according to the Phone Book Options but you might have entries that you want on top of the list regardless of their name, last call or whatever it is you use to sort the list. This option will send the entry to the top of the list. Menu acess Select this if you want the host to be accessible from the modem menu. Insert a tilde before a character in the name (eg. ~ZOC InfoBBS), to create a shortcut for the menu item. Group call If you call hosts that have multiple phone numbers you should create one entry for each phone number and name them in a way that the first six characters of the entries are the same (see above). If you don't want to select all these entries to call that host you should enable the group call option for one (or all) of them. This way ZOC tries the other lines as well to connect to the host. Options file Enter the name of an options file to be loaded before setting the serial parameters, the emulation and filetransfer the protocol. The option file must be preceded by a path (eg. OPTIONS\COMPUSRV.OPT). This way you can have entirely different options for different hosts. Serial parameters Serial parameters to be set before calling the number (eg. 19200-8N1). If you leave this field blank, the current setting or the setting from a loaded options file will be used. You may leave out the options (and just type a line speed). If you just want to set the options and leave the current line speed unchanged set the speed to zero (eg. 0-7N1). Emulation Select an emulation to use after loading the options file but before calling the host. Protocol Select a protocol to set after loading the options file but before calling the host. Logfile This is a name to be used for logging the session. Special placeholders (for date or time) can be used as described in Capture Options. Script File and Arg The name of a REXX (or Script) file to be executed after the dialler has made a connection to the given phone number (for REXX programs the argument will be supplied in ARG()). Such a script could be used to log you into the host automatically. However, for simple login procedures (like sending user name and password), the AutoLogin feature or IEMSI (both described below) are more handy. Note: IEMSI is only available if you enter a password. Prefix Select a dial command (from the Modem Options) to be used to dial the phone number. Zone If you set up the Phone Cost Description you can specify the distance zone to be used to calculate the phone cost for calls to this host. Password You can add a password for the host here. If you connect to the host you can send the password by defining a macro key as ^& (or by sending ^& from a REXX script). That is, if your F12 key is set to the text ^&, you can answer the password prompt of the host by pressing F12 (see Macro Keys). However, it is more convenient to let the AutoLogin feature (see below) handle the entire login. IEMSI Many bulletin board systems offer a method called IEMSI to automate the login procedure. Using this method you can provide your name in the IEMSI options window and set the password field to the password you use to log into that host. Additionally you can specify some options that are used by host. During the login the host will send and IEMSI request (**IEMSI_IRQ) to which ZOC responds by sending your user name and password to the host. If everything goes well, the host will let you in at once and show (or skip) news, new mail and new files as selected in the IEMSI options window. If you leave the name field empty, ZOC will use the name supplied in the Modem Options. Note: This button is only available if you entered a password for this host. AutoLogin This field contains a sequence of events (either wait (W) or send (S) events) that logs you into the host automatically. Since most logins can be handled in a form like 'wait for this, then send that' ZOC offers a method to do exactly this without having to deal with REXX programming. To send special keys like Enter or ESC you can use control codes as described in the Appendix. S0=... If defined, S0 is sent unconditionally after a carrier signal was detected. It can be used to raise the attention of the host. Wn/Sn=... Define pairs of words to wait for and to reply then. Text to wait for is listed as W1, W2 ..., the corresponding text to be sent is given as S1, S2 ... (see example below). Note the W and S characters must not be lowercase letters Example W1=Esc|S1=^[|W2=Name|S2=Zaphod^M|W3=Password|S3=HeartOfGold^M This example means: To log in, first wait until the host sends the characters Esc, then send the ESC character to the host. After that wait until the host sends Name, and send Zaphod back. Then wait for the text Password and send the text HeartOfGold. Note: You don't have to write such AutoLogin sequences yourself, since you can tell ZOC to learn it from watching you the next time you call this host. Memo This first line of the memo stores a short note about the host. You might want to enter the name of the sysop or other info about the host here (for passwords you should use the AutoLogin feature or the password field). The other fields are maintained by ZOC and cannot be modified. ═══ 3.3. The AutoDial feature ═══ When you selected one or more entries from the phone book or choose Manual Dial from the Modem Menu the AutoDial window will pop up. It will try to connect you successfully to the number(s) you selected. If a number is busy it will try the next in the list (if more than one was selected) or retry the number. To do that, AutoDial will use the values you set in Phone Book Options to define the maximum number of retries and the time between attempts to call the same number (see note about redial delay in Phone Book Options). During AutoDial you can control the operation using four buttons: Cancel Abort calling. Redial Now If AutoDial waits to call the next number you can skip the delay and redial at once. Skip This This function skips the call to a number and proceeds with the next in the list. The skipped number will be called later. Forget This This function cancelles the attempt to call a number and proceeds with the next in the list. The cancelled number will be removed from the dial list. ═══ 4. Browse Window ═══ ═══ 5. Customizing ZOC ═══ There are basically two sets of options, Global Options and Option Sets. Global options hardly change once you defined then while it is very likely that the options from options sets will differ with different hosts you use. Therefore there is only on set of global options but you can have as many options sets (containing the other options) as you like. ═══ 5.1. Help for Global Options ═══ Global options (as opposed to the options from the Options Sets are valid up for all connections you make. They contain options that, once they are set, hardly change at all. Global options are o Directory and File Names o Tool Bar Icons o Keyboard Redefinition o Phone Cost Description o Phone Book/Dialling Options ═══ 5.1.1. Defining Directory and File Names ═══ The names defined here are the default directories and file names that are used in file selection windows or special functions. Most of them are rather straightforward but some need a few words of explanation. Alt Downl. This field defines a directory into which special files are downloaded. The file extensions of the files to be put into this directory are defined in the transfer section of the options notebook. This directory is mosty used to receive mail packets for popular offline mail readers like BlueWave or Kurt Westerfield's KWQ (which is an excellent shareware product, highly recommended). Editor This defines the editor to be used when calling the Cliptext Edit function from the Cliptext menu, or when calling the Edit function from the Misc menu. Shell Shell defines a shell to be opened, when calling the OS/2 Shell function in the Misc or Transfer menu. This shell is also called with the /C parameter if you issue a SHELL command from within a ZOC script. Call Log This file is a file to which ZOC logs calls to BBSs (C+/C- means connect/disconnect) and file transfers (DL means download, UL means upload). However, the Call Log is maintained only, if you have Valid CD signal enabled (see Terminal options). WAV files These are sounds to be played to indicate certain events (of course MMPM/2 has to be installed for this). They should be entered with full path. ═══ 5.1.2. Setting up the Tool Bar ═══ The toolbar makes functions easily accessible offering icons for them. To customize the toolbar you can select/deselect icons from a list by clicking on them with the mouse. Those entries in the list that are drawn with dark background will be shown in the toolbar (if the window is wide enough). Additionally (depending on screen resolution and your personal taste) you can select if you want the icons in the toolbar to be large or small. ═══ 5.1.3. Redefining the Keyboard ═══ Generally ZOC produces the correct codes and functions for all keys on the keyboard. If you need customizable keys, you should use the f-keys (available in the macros section of the options booklet). However, in special cases it might be necessary to be able to redefine other keys. Warning: It is not recommended to redefine key combinations that are already covered by ZOC (like the arrow keys). These global keyboard remapping circumvents ZOC's normal key processing (only menu shortcuts take higher precedence) and might interfere with normal operation. To redefine a key, first select the key qualifiers (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Num Lock, Scroll Lock), then click on a key to bring up the key redefinition window. ═══ 5.1.4. Redefining One Key ═══ After you selected a key to be redefined in the keyboard redefinition window, a small window appears into which you can type the new value that is sent if you press that key together with the selected combination of key qualifiers (eg. Alt+Ctrl+Z). Additionally you can restrict the redefinition to a special terminal emulation, that is, if you need a combination for VT100 only, you would deselect the ANSI checkbox. Note: Only simple Control Codes as listed in the appendix can be used. ═══ 5.1.5. Setting up the Phone Cost Description ═══ To monitor phone charges you need to describe how the cost is calculated based on the duration, time of day and distance of a call. First you setup up days and times of day that are of interest for the calculation. In most countries it is cheaper to make calls in the evening and on weekends than it is during working hours from monday to friday. So, you will probably end up with three blocks of time like 08:00:00-18:59:49 Mo-Fr, 19:00:00-07:59:59 Mo-Fr and 00:00:00-23:59:59 Sa/Su. If, like in Germany, some calls don't depend on the time of day, you would need an additional entry to covers these: 00:00:00-23:59:59 Mo-Fr/Sa/Su. Next, you would give names like local, near, far, intl. to the distance zones in the field after the distance zone letters (A-H). Then you would describe what a call costs at any time of day in the form /@