═══ 1. About OSUNDEL ═══ OSUNDEL helps you to restore deleted files. To refresh a drive, click on a drive letter or click on the [Refresh] button. Then select one or more file by clicking on the file name list or click on the [Select ALL Files] check box. Then click on [Undelete] button to undelete the selected files or [Permanent] button to prevent files from being recovered. Permanently deleting files will regain some hardware space. Caution: THIS WILL PREVENT FILES FROM BEING RECOVERED! If you delete or undelete outside of OSUNDEL program, you should refresh the drive for a new file name list. ═══ 2. Notices ═══ Contact and Support OSUNDEL is free. THERE IS NO SUPPORT FOR OSUNDEL. However, if there is a bug you can EMAIL me at one of the following: Internet: mmathews@genesis.nred.ma.us mark.mathews@channel1.com Other Notices OS/2 is copyright by IBM Corporation. ═══ 3. Warranty ═══ Disclaimer of Warranty This software and the accompanying files are sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which this program may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of purchase price. ═══ 4. History of Changes ═══ Version 1.0 May 17, 1994 - Initial release. ═══ 5. keys help ═══ F1 Displays help. ALT+F4 Exit OSUNDEL ALT+A Select All Files ALT+D Select Drive ALT+F Select File Name ALT+P Permanently Delete File(s) ALT+R Refresh Drive ALT+U Undelete File(s) ═══ 6. permanently deleting files ═══ To remove files so they cannot be recovered. Select one or more files and click on [Permanent] button. Permanently deleting files will regain some hardware space. Caution: THIS WILL PREVENT FILES FROM BEING RECOVERED! ═══ 7. hints ═══ If you delete or undelete outside of OSUNDEL program, you should refresh the drive for a new file name list. To recover some hardware space click on [Premanent] button. Caution: THIS WILL PREVENT FILES FROM BEING RECOVERED! You cannot undelete over an existing file. There is no error and the file name will stay in the file name list. Sometimes two or more files with the same name will appear; you can select one of the files and undelete it. Selecting more than one file with the same name will only undelete the first file name. To speed up Permanently deleting files and there is more than one file with the same name; select groups only with the same name.