Thank you for evaluating WFXAUTO. WFXAUTO was developed because I found it to be a pain to close Winfax every time I wanted to run another program that used the COM port, only to forget to restart it when I was finished. WFXAUTO is the answer! When WFXAUTO is installed it will disable Winfax auto-receive, launch your application, wait until it is finished then re-enable Winfax auto-receive. If by chance Winfax is not running, WFXAUTO will simply launch your application without starting Winfax. ========================================================================= INSTALLATION ========================================================================= Copy WFXAUTO.EXE to either your WINDOWS directory or any other directory that is in your PATH statement. This program requires VBRUN300.DLL which is not supplied in this ZIP file. ========================================================================= PROGRAM USAGE ========================================================================= To use WFXAUTO you must modify the command line property in Program Manager for each program that you want to work with WFXAUTO. Described below are step by step instructions. 1. Highlight the Program Manager icon that you wish to modify. 2. Select File/Properties... from the menu bar. 3. Change the command line so that it is prefixed by WFXAUTO and make sure that the application directory is in your path or specify it's location in the working directory entry. For example to run PROCOMM PLUS FOR Windows: Command Line: WFXAUTO pw.exe Working Directory: C:\PROWIN Note: This procedure will change your application icon to that of WFXAUTO to change the icon to your applications follow these steps: 4. Click on change icon. 5. Click on browse. 6. Change to the directory where your application is located 7. Select your application *.EXE file and click on OK 8. Select the icon and click on OK When all parameters have been entered click on OK. You are done. Now every time you execute your program. WFXAUTO will disable auto-receive and launch your application. NO MORE COMMUNICATION PORT NOT AVAILABLE ERRORS ========================================================================= SHAREWARE ========================================================================= Shareware is a marketing practice that allows the consumer to try before buying. If the user continues to use the program, he or she is obligated to pay the registration fee. Please register if you have not done so already. ========================================================================= REGISTERING - BY US MAIL OR COMPUSERVE SWREG ========================================================================= To register your copy of WFXAUTO, send a check or money order for $15 with funds drawn on a U.S bank to: Logical Business Systems Inc. 250 West 90th Street Suite 11-K New York, NY 10024 To register online via Compuserve SWREG: GO SWREG and search for ID# 3447 or by keyword WFXAUTO. Upon registration you will receive an e-mail message or letter by mail indicating your registration code. When you get your registration code, click the register button and enter your name and code. The registration reminder screen will be removed. ========================================================================= SUPPORT ========================================================================= Logical Business Systems can be contacted through Compuserve user id 76507,530. Please direct all questions to this id.