Mercury Conjunct Jupiter This is a very good time to broaden your mental horizons. You are more tolerant of the viewpoints of others now and you will be able to find value even in views which conflict with your own. This transit favors business and commercial activity. Be careful not to overlook details. Overconfidence and self-righteousness might be your downfall. Mercury Conjunct Mars Today you will have the urge to debate. You may do this quite effectively. However, you may find yourself becoming irritable and argumentative. Try to determine if your position is worth defending, or if it is simply a case of ego talking, before you become involved in disputes. Mercury Conjunct Mercury You are particulary sharp and mentally alert during this transit. Your curiosity will be focused on new ideas, unfamiliar facts and the like. In addition, you will tend to be much more objective during this time. Your emotions won't affect your thinking in the least. There is a likelihood that you will do more traveling than usual as well. Mercury Conjunct Moon Today you will be expressing yourself emotionally. If you are feeling upset, you may find difficulty in communicating with others if they don't share your mood. However, if you are feeling tranquil, you will be a very good listener today because you will be able to empathize. Your focus is on those things that you share in common with others, such as your shared background and interests. Mercury Conjunct Neptune Your imagination will be working overtime during this transit. You will be attracted to mystical subjects and mysterious phenomena. Be careful not to let your imagination lead you into believing delusions. Someone may try to pull the wool over your eyes, so avoid making any contractual agreements today. Mercury Conjunct Pluto Today you will most likely be obsessed with getting to the root of issues and flip answers will not fly with you at all. In addition, at this time you will be more likely to influence others because you are able to analyze the situation to an extraordinary degree. However, be careful not to alienate others by ignoring their feelings. This is a good day to spend on research. Mercury Conjunct Saturn At this time you may be focusing more on distinctions and details, especially the negative characteristics of friends and acquaintances. You may be saying goodbye to someone. Your current power of distinction can be put to good use if you can avoid the trap of negative thinking during this transit. Mercury Conjunct Sun Today you must express your thoughts. Your mental processes are particularly sharp and clear and you will be able to get your point across with ease. In addition, expect an abundance of communications, letters, memos, telephone calls and the like. Mercury Conjunct Uranus With this transit you will be feeling particularly clever. You are attracted to mysteries and new ideas. However, try not to jump to conclusions without careful thought. In addition, you may experience some nervousness at this time. Be particularly careful with your day- to-day travels, as impulsive driving may lead to an accident. Mercury Conjunct Venus This transit stimulates your appreciation of beauty, art, music and poetry. It also provides excellent opportunities to express your love to your partner. Mental and emotional issues become intertwined at this time so that you may find yourself intellectually analyzing emotions or expressing mental concepts with great depth of feeling. Mercury Opposite Jupiter As with all Mercury-Jupiter transits, this time brings optimistic thinking and grand designs. You will tend to overlook or discount even important details now, so care should be taken when working out contractual obligations. Take care not to appear smug or self- righteous to others at this time. Mercury Opposite Mars You throw caution to the wind today and speak your mind to everyone you see. You are likely to be in an argumentive mood and act as if you will fight at the drop of a hat. If you aren't feeling particularly irritable, then you will find others acting towards you in this manner. You should be very careful to avoid accidents today, especially to arms and legs. You are likely to inflict burns, bumps or bruises to yourself now if you don't have another outlet for your aggression. Avoid travel if possible. Mercury Opposite Mercury Like most Mercury transits, this one is likely to stimulate the flow of ideas. Conversations you have now will be significant ones, though some of your ideas are likely to be challenged. In addition you may experience some nervous tension during this transit. This is not a good time for travel. Mercury Opposite Moon Emotional issues will likely cloud your communication with others during this transit. You will be expressing unconscious drives that need to be brought out in the open. This may cause you to make inappropriate comments. Try not to make any conclusions during this time because you'll only change your mind again when this transit is past. Mercury Opposite Neptune This transit brings major confusion. Communications with others will most likely be misunderstood on both sides. Your imagination is working overtime and your view of the world is hopelessly skewed. If you are feeling anxious, try to avoid excess stress. Put off making any kind of agreement until this transit is past. Mercury Opposite Pluto This transit quite often brings about a contest of wills. This may take the form of a propaganda play, either by you or by another. Or it may entail a disagreement where you and another take opposing positions. Don't get suckered into doing something you don't believe in. Mercury Opposite Saturn You will be focused on your sense of identity and your place in the world. Your sense of isolation will be magnified now, and this could lead to some distortions in thinking. Now is not the time to end a relationship. Wait until this transit is past and your perspective is restored before making a decision to say goodbye. Mercury Opposite Sun This transit increases communication between yourself and others, but it may also increase conflicts of ego which will manifest verbally. Should you find yourself in such a conflict today, your best bet is to find a neutral third party to mediate the dispute. Negotiations or contract discussions are best left to another day. Mercury Opposite Uranus As with all Mercury-Uranus transits, today will be a day of discovery for you. However, some of those discoveries may upset the way you are used to viewing the world. Avoid making hasty and blunt statements to others, as you will have to back up your talk later. Avoid tasks which require discipline today, as routine bores you now and could lead to mistakes. Mercury Opposite Venus Today you will likely meet many pleasant people and possibly attend an enjoyable social function. If you have recently been involved in a dispute with someone close, you will tend to make compromises to make amends. Today is not a good day for mental discipline. Be careful that you don't overspend. Mercury Sextile Jupiter You will be focused on the larger issues of your life during this transit, such as your past and plans for your future. This is a good time to broaden your understanding of the world around you. Philosophy and religious thinking especially appeal to you now. Your thoughts will be on distant lands. Mercury Sextile Mars You will work very hard on your own personal projects during this transit. However, you will resent any work that you must do for others and you may have to defend your case agaist someone else's views. Your inner confidence shines today. Mercury Sextile Mercury This transit is the perfect time to do focused and detailed mental work, though you may resist routine tasks. Your attention to detail makes this transit perfect for working out contracts or other complex business negotiations. Mercury Sextile Moon You will be very much in tune with your own feelings and the feelings of others during this transit. If you honestly believe in what you are saying you will be very persuasive. You may be called upon to help someone work through an emotional problem. Mercury Sextile Neptune Today is a day for daydreams. Your imagination will be focused on how things ought to be, rather than on reality as it is. In communicating with others, you will most likely find greater clarity through using your intuition, rather than through rational thought. Now is a good time to focus on spiritual or religious philosophy. Mercury Sextile Pluto Your powers of perception are particularly keen today and your sense of curiosity will lead you to make discoveries about underlying realities. You will most likely want to share your discoveries with others, even if this means you must argue against their point of view. Spend time today searching for deeper understanding. Mercury Sextile Saturn At this time you are conscious of every flaw around you. However, you can see the good as well. Work on any task that requires concentration and precision. Try to avoid working on "the big picture" as you are much too detail oriented to effectively make grand designs. Spend some time with a friend even if you don't particularly feel like it. Loneliness and depression are a possibility. Mercury Sextile Sun Today will be busy and stimulating for you. Your curiosity is in high gear. This is a good day for a meeting of the minds with your peers, particularly in a group setting. You will probably have to make more short-distance trips than usual today. Mercury Sextile Uranus Be prepared to meet exciting people, try out new ideas and make interesting discoveries. You will be seeing old problems in a new light. You would do well to shelve your ordinary routine for the day and explore instead. Mercury Sextile Venus This is a time for light pursuit of leisure. Spend time with friends. Go to a movie, take a short drive or go to an art gallery. Don't expect much of yourself just now; as this will only lead to feelings of guilt and diminished self-confidence. You will make up the progress lost now at a later date without affecting your goals. Mercury Square Jupiter You are feeling particularly optimistic during this transit. Now is a good time to set long-range goals. Your focus is on the big picture. However, this transit will tend to make you very sloppy with details and to discard plans and ideas which don't fit in with your grand vision. Try not to alienate those who are focused on working out the small stuff. Mercury Square Mars You are feeling touchy and irritable today, and you will resent any communications you receive. Others will have to tiptoe around you to avoid being the target of your ire. If you aren't feeling particularly grumpy then this transit may manifest in such behavior in someone else close to you. In addition, be extra careful to avoid mishaps, especially burns to arms and legs, falls, and driving accidents. Mercury Square Mercury Get ready to examine your beliefs during this transit. Challenges to those beliefs will come as a result of conversations, messages, phone calls or letters. You may have to reexamine your position. If the pace of life is getting to you, find someplace quiet to be alone with your thoughts. Mercury Square Moon Your thinking will be colored by your emotions today. Your communications may be influenced by unconscious compulsions. This is a good day to examine your unconscious motivations and beliefs. If such unconscious motivations and beliefs cause you problems in dealing with others, this will become evident now. Mercury Square Neptune This transit brings confusion. Communications with others will most likely be misunderstood on both sides. Your imagination is working overtime and your view of the world is hopelessly skewed today. Try to be direct, rather than evasive, if a confrontation should develop. Avoid making any kind of agreement until this transit is past. Mercury Square Pluto You may be obsessed with a single idea, even though that idea has no real importance to you. You may be inclined to force this point of view on others, which may lead to fruitless arguments. On the other hand, it is possible that you will have a confrontation in which someone else tries to impose his views on you. To avoid this frustration, try to spend the day alone in more rewarding pursuits. Meditation or contemplation of human behavior might suit your mood. Mercury Square Saturn Communications with others are particularly difficult at this time. There is a possibility that you will be misunderstood. Try to delay important personal contact until this transit is past. Right now you will be seeing flaws everywhere and this may cause you some despair. Even so, your powers of perception are particularly sharp at this time and you would do well now to work out the details of any plans that you have previously made. Mercury Square Sun The fast pace of daily affairs might get you down today. Try not to become agitated. You might speak before thinking things through, especially in meetings. Don't belabor your point. There is a possibility of conflict with people of opposing views. Mercury Square Uranus New discoveries will provide excitement for you during this transit. This will be very stimulating, but don't count on the day working out as you had planned. If you are not flexible, this could be nerve- wracking. Your concentration is probably shot today. Right now you are inclined to act impulsively. You should be very careful when driving to avoid accidents. Mercury Square Venus You may feel some tensions in your personal relationships, but under this transit you are able to communicate your position. Try to be flexible when working out your differences, but don't give away the store. There is a tendency to self-indulgence at this time. Keep a tight rein on your spending. Mercury Trine Jupiter During this transit you are feeling particularly positive and expansive. Your focus is on wider issues rather than on mundane detail. This is an excellent day to take care of legal affairs and conclude contractual negotiation. Mercury Trine Mars You have more mental energy than usual and now is a good time to tackle difficult problems. You will tend to speak your mind frankly at this time. This is a good day to ask for a raise because you will impress others with your self-confidence. Public appearances are easy for you today. Mercury Trine Mercury You desire mental stimulation and so taking up a new course of study, reading a book, visiting a museum, or just exploring ideas with a friend will appeal to you. Make some plans for a trip to visit someplace new. Mercury Trine Moon Today you will be more in touch with your emotions than usual and will display more sensitivity toward the feelings of others. This transit will help with your communications, especially conversations with women. Mercury Trine Neptune You will not be satisfied today to focus on routine. Everyday reality seems so hum-drum. Instead, you will most likely be inclined to spend your day listening to music and daydreaming. During this transit, you will probably be very much in tune to the moods of others around you. Spend the day on art, religion, music, or poetry. Mercury Trine Pluto At this time you will be inclined to dig deep into mysteries such as why the human psyche operates as it does. An inner search can be very profitable, bringing to light things about your own motivations that may surprise you. Conversations with others have the potential to profoundly affect your beliefs. Mercury Trine Saturn During this transit you are inclined to all work and no play. You will avoid idle chatter now, as you are focused only on communications that matter. This is a good time to organize or to seek council from someone older and wiser on issues of importance. Mercury Trine Sun This is a very good day for all types of mental work and communications. Your mind is sharp and you are able to state your case clearly and forcefully. You probably won't find a better day to work out any kind of business negotiations, begin a course of study, or do some organizing. This is also a good day to get rid of any backlog of paperwork, or to make those phone calls that you've been putting off. Mercury Trine Uranus You will want to seek out exciting and stimulating contact with people today. Your intuition is more active at this time than at any other, and solutions to problems that have eluded you will be obvious at this time. Normal routine will not interest you right now. You would do well to use this day to explore new places, people and ideas. Mercury Trine Venus You feel friendly toward everyone you meet and want to spend your time in pursuit of good-hearted fun. You will tend to avoid saying or doing anything unpleasant in an effort to share these good vibes. This is an excellent time to mend fences and iron out past conflicts.