FBHFi' Help for NFL Forecaster for DOS 2.0d Setup Please read this entire topic before installing Forecaster. It only takes a few minutes. Then press the ESC key to close this window. Setup will correctly install Forecaster from the self-extracting file (IDNFL20.EXE) or from the group of files already extracted from IDNFL20,EXE and from one drive and/or directory to another (that is, from a:\ to c:\fcast or from c:\temp to c:\sports or from c:\fcast to c:\fcast). FCAST.CFG, FCAST.HLP, SCHEDULE.NFL and MAIN-DTA.NFL must be in the same directory as FCAST.EXE or the directory in which they are placed must be in your DOS PATH statement (see your DOS manual) in order for Forecaster to find them. When Forecaster needs a file, it first looks in the current directory, then the startup directory and then in the directories in your PATH statement. T DO NOT INSTALL FORECASTER FOR DOS IN THE SAME DIRECTORY AS FORECASTER FOR WINDOWS. Q 1. Setup needs to know the source path Setup will offer as a default the path from which it was run. Most of the time this is acceptable and you should press the Tab key to move to the input box for the destination path. (It's very unlikely that Setup would be in one directory and the rest of the Forecaster files in another.) m 2. You need to type in the complete destination path Enter the drive and directory to which you want Forecaster installed. Setup will offer as a default "c:\fcast." For most people, this is acceptable. If you want to install Forecaster somewhere else, type in the complete path: drive:\subdirectory. For example, you might enter "c:\sports\football". Or, to install Forecaster on a floppy disk in your b: drive you might type "b:". NOTE: the complete Forecaster package will not fit on a 360K floppy; Setup will issue an error message and cancel if there is not enough disk space. M 3. You need to choose a display type Press one of the radio buttons to choose installation for a color or monochrome system. If you have a color display adapter card and a color monitor (CRT), then press the "Color" radio button. If you have a monochrome display adapter card and a monochrome monitor (CRT), press the "Monochrome" button. If you have a color display adaptor card and a monochrome monitor (MCGA, for example), press the "Color" button. You can modify any of NFL Forecaster's colors by choosing Options\Views\Colors from its menu. Because there are many color choices, Forecaster is shipped with two configuration files: COLOR.CFG and MONOCHRM.CFG. They are identical except for the color settings. Setup will rename one of these files to FCAST.CFG during installation depending upon which display-type radio button you press. FCAST.CFG contains all of Forecaster's various options settings. Options are always saved to FCAST.CFG, so you might want to make backup copies of both .CFG files to make it easier to later move Forecaster from a color to a monochrome system or vice versa. U 4. Press the "Install Forecaster" button When you press the "Install Forecaster" button, Setup will (1) copy the Forecaster files from the source path to the destination path or (2) extract the files from IDNFL20.EXE to the destination path. If the source and destination paths are identical, Setup will not attempt to copy the forecaster files; it will simply extract the files from IDNFL20.EXE (if it exists). It will also rename the appropriate .CFG file. If it finds that there is already a FCAST.CFG file in the destination path, it will ask if you want to replace it. If you have customized an earlier version of Forecaster, you should answer "No" so that your FCAST.CFG file will not be replaced. If you already have a MAIN-DTA.NFL file in the destination path, Setup will ask if you want to replace it with the new MAIN-DTA.NFL. If you have used NFL Forecaster's Quick or Enter Scores functions to enter scores, the updated rankings were saved to MAIN-DTA.NFL. The updated rankings will be erased if the new MAIN-DTA.NFL replaces the one already on your disk. If you have been using NFL Forecaster each week, your MAIN-DTA.NFL is up-to-date. The new MAIN-DTA.NFL may not be up-to-date (if you are installing new version of NFL Forecaster during the 5th week of the season, for example). If you are installing a registered version of NFL Forecaster, MAIN-DTA.NFL will be up-to-date to the day it was shipped. If you are installing an unregistered version, MAIN-DTA.NFL is up-to-date for the first week of the season. Therefore, if you are installing Forecaster before the NFL season has begun, you should PROBABLY LET Setup replace the MAIN-DTA.NFL file. If you're installing Forecaster after the NFL season has begun AND you have been using Forecaster each week, you should PROBABLY NOT LET Setup replace the MAIN-DTA.NFL FILE. If you are installing Forecaster after the NFL Season has begun and you have NOT been using Forecaster each week, you should PROBABLY LET Setup replace the MAIN-DTA.NFL file. Files in IDNFL20.EXE installed in the destination path: FCAST.DOC -- The NFL Forecaster documentation in plain ASCII format FCAST.HLP -- The NFL Forecaster on-line help file FCAST.EXE -- The NFL Forecaster program file COLOR.CFG -- A Forecaster configuration file with color settings for a color system; may be renamed FCAST.CFG after setup MONOCHRM.CFG -- A Forecaster configuration file with monochrome settings for a monochrome system; may be renamed FCAST.CFG after setup MAIN-DTA.NEW -- The new main data file; renamed to MAIN-DTA.NFL after setup SCHEDULE.NFL -- The 1994-95 NFL schedule file WEEK-18.93 -- A Forecaster archive file containing the rankings, scores and forecasts for the last week of the 1993-94 season FCAST.ICO -- An icon that you can use to install Forecaster on Windows desktop (see on-line help) Other files: SETUP.EXE -- The program that installs NFL Forecaster; probably delete after installation is completed SETUP.HLP -- The on-line help file for setup; probably delete after installation is completed README.1ST -- A text file that contains latest information; probably delete after reading PRODUCTS.DOC -- Contains a description of 100% Cotton Software products VENDINFO.DIZ -- Contains important information about registration, warranty, licensing, etc.; probably delete after reading; the same information is contained in FCAST.DOC and the on-line help file FILE-ID.DIZ -- Short description of Forecaster for vendors; delete after installation Error Messages Rarely are there any problems during Forecaster setup, especially since it does not make permanent changes to your system configuration files and the installation of Forecaster is rather simple compared to larger, more complex applications. In the unlikely event that you do encounter problems, you may find the following information useful. If an error occurs during installation, Setup will issue an error message. Many of the messages are self-explanatory, such as "#5 Invalid source path (it doesn't exist)" or "#7 Not enough free disk space to install NFL Forecaster." Others require some explanation. #9 Unable to open source file #11 Error reading source file #12 Error reading source file or writing destination file #13 Error reading source file's date/time stamp These messages indicate that there is probably something wrong with one of the original files. However, you may simply have entered the wrong source path. If you continue to receive one or more of these messages after rebooting and running Setup again, obtain another copy of NFL Forecaster from the source from which you got the first copy. #10 Unable to open destination file #12 Error reading source file or writing destination file #14 Error reading destination file's date/time stamp These messages indicate that there is something wrong with the disk to which you are attempting to install Forecaster. Try rebooting and running Setup again. If you still receive one or more of these messages, you should use a disk-diagnostic/ disk-repair program. T #8 Error extracting the files from the compressed file Make sure that you have entered the correct source path. If you still receive this message when you run Setup again with the correct source path, the source file IDNFL20.EXE is probably corrupt. Obtain another copy of NFL Forecaster from the source from which you got the first copy. C #16 Unable to erase old MAIN-DTA.NFL NFL Forecaster requires a file named MAIN-DTA.NFL; it writes each week's rankings to this file (see the manual or on-line help for more information). This message indicates that you have chosen to replace your MAIN-DTA.NFL file with the new one shipped with Forecaster and Setup is unable to complete your request. So, when Setup finishes, you will have MAIN-DTA.NFL or MAIN-DTA.NEW or both or neither on your disk. You can (1) try running Setup again or (2) copy MAIN-DTA.NEW from the original disk to your disk and rename it MAIN-DTA.NFL. . #17 Unable to rename MAIN-DTA.NEW This error message occurs when there is something wrong with the disk to which you are attempting to install Forecaster. Try rebooting and running Setup again. If you still receive one or more of these messages, you should use a disk-diagnostic/ disk-repair program. #18 Unable to delete old FCAST.CFG #19 Unable to rename FCAST.CFG When Setup finishes, you will have one or more of COLOR.CFG, MONOCHRM.CFG and FCAST.CFG in the destination path. You can (1) try running Setup again or (2) copy/rename the appropriate .CFG file for your system.