Document 0669 DOCN M9480669 TI Periodontal pocketing in HIV-associated periodontitis. DT 9410 AU Epstein JB; Leziy S; Ransier A; Division of Oral Medicine and Clinical Dentistry, Vancouver; General Hospital, Canada. SO Spec Care Dentist. 1993 Nov-Dec;13(6):236-40. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/94317096 AB Gingival and periodontal involvement has been described in individuals with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. The manifestations often include erythematous gingivitis, necrotizing gingivitis, and periodontal involvement characterized by rampant loss of bone and soft tissue, resulting in recession without the formation of periodontal pockets. We present cases of HIV-associated periodontitis (HIV-P) in which advanced periodontal pocket formation was present. Periodontal disease may show a broad range of severity in patients with various T4 helper cell counts. DE Adult AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections Case Report Human HIV Infections/*COMPLICATIONS Male Periodontal Pocket/*ETIOLOGY Periodontitis/*ETIOLOGY/MICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).