This is a small utility to modify any kind of INI-Files. It is DOS-based, so you can easily do the modifications from your batchfile or your network login script. As example, you can add the TimerCriticalSection=10000 for all users in the SYSTEM.INI file, just by doing the following: Create a file named SYSTEM.CMD which contains: +[386enh]TimerCriticalSection=10000 And put the following command in you (system) login script: maintini.exe N:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI SYSTEM.CMD After the new login, all your users have the new parameter set correctly for the new WINUP9 from Novell. A backupfile with the extension .BAK is made before modifying the file. Normaly all section, keys and values are NOT case sensitive. However _ and * give the possibility to match only if the case matches too. MAINTINI can process INI-Files of any size, even larger than 64kBytes. Just the CMD File should not have to much commands, because a dynamic list with all commands is created. (The actual upper limit are 600 commands, if you need more, then send me a mail or just splitt it in two cmd-files. Anyway, to process a INI-file with 600 commands to apply is just slow.) Commands of Maintini: -[section] The corresponding section is deleted -[section]Key The Key in section will be deleted -[section]Key=Value The Key is only deleted if the Value matches exactly This is used to delete device=... lines in system.ini _[section]Key=Value Same as - but Value is case sensitive Normaly not used. #[section] The corresponding section is commented #[section]Key The Key in section will be commented #[section]Key=Value The Key is only commented if the Value matches exactly This is used to comment device=... lines in system.ini @[section] The ; in front of the corresponding section is removed @[section]Key The ; in front of the Key in section is removed @[section]Key=Value The ; in front of the Key is removed, if the Value matches exactly This is used to uncomment device=... lines in system.ini +[Section]Key= Adds Key in Section. +[Section]Key=Value Adds Key and Value to section. &[Section]Key=Value This Key/Value is always inserted, even if already a key exists, but with a different value. Used to insert device=... lines in System.ini *[Section]Key=Value Same as &, but the value is casesensitive Normaly not used. ![Section]Key=Value A key is inserted in section, but a numeric value is added to Key, representing the highest+1 value of Key. (Only ?) used for Progman.ini to add new program groups [Section] Key1=Value1 Key2=Value2 Key3=Value3 ![Section]Key=ValueZ Gives [Section] Key1=Value1 Key2=Value2 Key3=Value3 Key4=ValueZ If the command in ![Section]Key=Value2 then the line is not duplicated. You can add multiple ! entrys per Section/Key pair in one pass >[Section]Key= Value Adds Value to an existing value. The old Value is preserved and the Value is added added at the end of the line. [Section] Key=Value0 >[Section]Key= Value1 Gives [Section] Key=Value0 Value1 It is very important, that you have a space or a period sign before the Value, this is to ensure that the , sign is placed at the right place (or even ignored if this is the first value). <[Section]Key=Value Deletes Value from the Key/Value line. Leading and trailing period-signs are cut off. r[Section]Original=NewValue The string is replaced with , but only in if [Section] is the current one. If you want to replace the Original in ALL sections (even in the section definition) then specify [] as the section. R[Section]Original=NewValue Same as r command, but the case must match. S[Section]Key= The environment variable with name is set to the Value of this Section/Key. If [Section]Key does not exists, the environment is not modified. The modification is done in the master environment, which is the one of the FIRST loaded. If you use this command under windows, the environment of the shell inside windows is NOT modified, but when you leave windows, the environment has the modified values !!! When I find a TP library which handles this correctly, I will implement it, that the parent environment is changed. Additionaly you have multiple IF commands to excecute commandlines based on external values. IFMEMBER Is excecuted if User is member of the give Netware Group. The User must be logged in the server. IFNMEMBER As IFMEMBER, but the commandline is only excecuted when the user is NOT member of the group IFENV <%EnvVar%> When the environment variable %EnvVar% is equal to , the command is excecuted IFNENV <%EnvVar%> Same as IFENV, but NOT EQUAL IFMEMBER EVERYONE +[Windows]Group=Everyone Adds Group=Everyone if the user is member of the group IFENV %USER% SSCA +[Windows]Supervisor=True Sets Supervisor=True, when the environment variable USER is equal to SSCA You should not use more than one < or > command for each Section/Key !!!! This does not behave correctly. If this is a limitation for you, then you can tell me why you want another version who can do this. I will then implement it, if I find the time to do it. In ALL Value-strings, you can insert a sequence %...%, to replace the text with the content of an DOS environment variable. +[boot]run=F:\USER\%USER%\WINDOWS\CAL.EXE %USER% will be replaced with the value of the USER - Environment variable. When It finds a single % in the line then the % remains in the value. If it finds %%, then it is replaced with a single %. So you can use F:\USR\%%USER%%\TEMP to be transformed into F:\USR\%USER%\TEMP. If you simply use F:\USR\%USER%\TEMP it will try to replace %USER% with the corresponing environment variable. You must use this, every time you have more than one % sign in the value, but don't want to replace it. If the specified environment variable does not exist, then a warning message is displayed on the screen, and the %...% is removed from the value. When you want to rename a section, then do the following: r[][OldSectionName]=[NewSectionName] Maintini then looks in each line for the Old-name and if it finds it, it replaces it with the new name. You should include the [..] to be shure, that only section headings are replaced. With the r command it is very easy to move a program/library to a new loaction. Of course you must take care to correct all other references to that location. (In the registeration database OLE, in DDE-statements and of course the program icon in the program manager.) MAINTINI is emailware, which means if you find this program usefull, you should send me a email. (Or a nice postcard if you don't have acess to a email system) If you send me a message, then I will inform you of all changes and new versions of this utility. My email adress: Compuserve : 100034,3536 Andre Schild Internet : AT&T Mail : mhs!csmail!100034.3536 X400 : /c=US/ad=compuserve/pd=csmail/ MCI : TO: Andre Schild EMS: COMPUSERVE/ MCI ID:281-6320 MBX: 100034,3536 MHS : MAIL@CSERVE {100034,3536} Postal adress: Andre Schild Pfeidstrasse 8 CH-2555 Bruegg b. Biel Switzerland