- Linguistic Genesis Project - An Introduction - (This file should also be available in .WRI format in the same archive. If not, complain to your sysop/site admin. and have the proper archive found.) Okay, let me make this short and sweet: The LGP is a project concerning the creation of a *completely new language*. I am trying to make the best use of the Internet etc. to try and find as many people as possible to assist with this task. (If you've just realised that this is not what you expected, PLEASE pass this file on anyway - I need as much help as possible). Before I begin to describe the objectives of this project, let me stress a few things. First of all, there is NO MONEY INVOLVED in this project. There is also no membership, no official rules or procedures, nor is there any bureacracy or government funding/involvement. There is no commitment involved in this project, you can participate for as long or short a time as you wish (or, I suppose, not at all). This is a voluntary colaboration between myself and any other willing individuals to create a new language, and once created, promote its usage & education etc. What does this involve? Well, when I said a *completely* new language, I meant it! This project is starting RIGHT from scratch - this is not a series of modifications to an existing language, this is not a mix of existing languages - this is a language all its own. This means, of course, that anybody involved will have to work harder and longer to reach our mutual goal - BUT our creation will be unhampered by conventions, standards, etc, giving us ultimate freedom to create and invent. This, of course, is the true fun of the project - being able to create and seeing one's creation last. Anyway, let me discuss how this will all work. If you wish to participate in this venture, contact me (my name is Saul) at peter.bottcher@canrem.com (I will repeat this several times in case some moron shortens the file, or corruption occurs). Send me your name, E-mail address, and anything you want me to know about you (ie, "I am a moderns professor and have always dreamed of doing this")... I'll put you on my list, and tell you where you can get the updates for the project. I unfortunately can't send updates to you personally, as they may be quite long at times, and there may be quite a few people involved with this project. I will, however, converse with you personally through E-Mail if you have questions, comments etc. You are not just a number on a mailing list, but remember I'm only human and do have a time limit on my account! :) Anyway, each update will detail what part of the project is being worked on at this time, what input I need, and when the next update is scheduled to come out. When you receive your update, read it over, think about it, and if you have any input, send me mail. I will use the input from all the users to make my decisions, in effect you are all the creators of this language. Each update will also contain details of decisions I have made since the last one, thank-you's to people who contributed, etc etc etc... If an update doesn't arrive on time, MAIL ME - I would rather get 20 pieces of mail for being a little late than lose people from the project. I hope this has aroused your interest, if you have anything to do with languages or their teaching, I hope you will contribute as I am not an expert in this field, I am an expert at running projects! :) Once again, contact me at peter.bottcher@canrem.com - and my name is SAUL. Tell me what you think of this idea, the project, and what our focus should be to begin, as this will determine the first area we work on. Thanks in advance for your time and effort. If you don't join up, please PLEASE distribute this file to all the BBSes you call. Thanks again, Saul (LGP Leader)