TWO BBSCON TRANS WORLD ONLINE February 8 to 11, 1995 at the Swissotel in Dusseldorf, Germany The event of the century for Telecom professionals, Sysops, and Cybervisionaries Worldwide. Europe is ready for its own BBS Conference! In the past Europe has been seen as trailing the U.S. in terms of modem sales, tele- communications software, and telephone network infrastructure. Today, the European telecommunications market is changing and is charging ahead in various market segments. The European telephone net for example, is mostly digital all the way to the end user and telephone installations are done in record time. ISDN and X.25 access are much more common in Europe than anywhere else. This is why the time is right for a gala event, covered by the press, bringing together the leaders in BBSing from around the world. The TWO BBSCON conference will be held February 8-11, 1995 in the Swissotel in Duesseldorf/Neuss, Germany. John C. Dvorak, the noted PC Magazine columnist will give the keynote address, and dozens of other industry luminaries will be there. The fees are as follows: DM 475. - (US $295) per day, or DM 950. - (US $595) for all three days. The conference fees include admission to the exhibition and participation in all workshops. "Early-Bird" registration will be rewarded with up to 35% price reduction. Special "one-day tickets" for Thursday and Friday will be available at the door. The fee for these tickets to the exhibition is DM 79,00 and includes participation in one workshop. There will also be tickets available for DM 29,00 on Saturday, which will be for the exhibition only. The reduced tickets are available to generate interest and participation of the local audience as well and student-sysops. The majority of the time will be filled with instructions and workshops covering subjects such as ISDN, Modems, Internet, BBS, graphic BBS-interfaces or Data Communication within the GSM Net. There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion following the workshops. In addition to the conference, there will be an ongoing product display by all major hardware and software manufacturers. Many of these manufacturers will use the opportunity to offer special "Sysop" discounts at TWO BBSCON. The TWO BBSCON will be sponsered by dozens of exhibitors and hundreds of sysops from all over Europe. The founding members are Gerald Meier ( Liechtenstein), Joerg Steinhaeuser (Germany), and Tim Stryker (USA). In the advising commitee are impartant personalities from the telecommunication industry such as Dr. Klaus Langner from ELSA GmbH (Germany), Ralph-Guido Novak from Vogal Verlag (issues PC Magazine i.e. "Chip" and "Telecom"), John C. Dvorack from PC Magazine (USA), Dick A.J.M. Hommen from Infoboard BBS (The Netherlands) and Jack Rickard who issues "Boardwatch Magazine" as well as organizes ONE BBSCON (USA). Many telecom distributors from Europe as well as the United States such as ELSA, Online Store, BAUSCH datacom, Telelink, Dr. Neuhaus, eSoft, Clark Development, Galacticomm, Searchlight Software and TeleGrafix have already reserved their slots as exhibitors and/or speakers and more are being added every day to this list. TWO BBSCON EST. P.O.Box 206, FL 9486 Schaanwald, Liechtenstein/Europe, Phone +41 (75) 373 28 32 Fax: +41 (75) 373 30 62 BBS: +41 (75) 373 66 80 X.25 NUA: (0228)46121005 Internet: