BBS DIRECT to MAKE LONG-DISTANCE CHARGES OBSOLETE with REVOLUTIONARY PRIVATE DATA NETWORK BUILT with RACAL-DATACOM EQUIPMENT A press conference held at ONE BBSCON, Atlanta, GA revealved the following information: Concentric Research Corp. announced it has agreed to buy network equipment and services valued at $9.5 million from RacalDatacom Inc. The equipment will be used to deploy a frame relay data communication network to launch the revolutionary new BBS Direct service. BBS Direct is Concentric Research's new service that will revolutionize the way consumers connect to the nation's 60,000 electronic bulletin board services (BBS). Customers now pay long distance telephone charges to connect to bulletin boards. With BBS Direct, they will pay a flat rate of $30 a month for unlimited access via CRC's network. "We make long distance usage charges for BBS callers obsolete," said Marc Collins-Rector, Concentric Research's president and chief executive officer. BBS Direct users will dial a local telephone number to connect to the new CRC Network, a dedicated data network that will use Racal-Datacom equipment and AT&T InterSpan Frame- Relay Service. "We chose Racal-Datacom because we needed the highest-quality networking equipment available," Collins-Rector said. "The engineering integrity of Racal-Datacom equipment is unparalleled. This will guarantee that our fram relay network is the best in the country and that it has the highest quality equipment in place from the start." "Racal-Datacom is proud to be a supplier to this innovative new network and what the network will mean to the millions of people using electronic bulletin boards," said James K. Norman, president of Racal-Datacom. Deployment of BBS Direct has started, and the official launch service is planned for late September. Initially, the network will offer local dial-up access in the 100 largest metropolitan areas, expanding to 350 points of presence in the next 18 months. In addition, "800"-number service will be established for customers outside the points of presence. Thirty of the nation's largest BBSs are charter members of BBS Direct and will be accessible at the time the network is in place. Other BBSs will be added quickly once the network is established. "Some of the best information available electronically can be found on independent bulletin boards," Collins-Rector said. "Until BBS Direct, the only way to access most of these services is by using long-distance voice lines and paying long-distance rates." Users of BBS Direct will have the added benefit of having full access to the Internet and to Concentric Research's CRIS on-line information and entertainment network. The Racal-Datacom Excalibur ASET-1 (analog single-ended T-1) will enable computer users over a widespread area to access bulletin boards on the service by enabling remote calls to be consolidated on high-capacity, cost-effective and high-performance T-1/T-3 circuits. Corporations with large computer networks long ago learned the economy of T-1/T-3, and BBS Direct will enable bulletin board users to enjoy similar savings. Also included in the contract are Racal-Datacom INX 5000 intelligent hubs and CMS 400 and CMS 6000 components of the Racal Mangement System. As a Wellfleet value-added reseller, Racal will also provide Wellfleet routers for the CRC Network. Concentric Research Corp., headquartered in Bay City, Mich., is in the business of connecting people and information. its two primary products are BBS Direct and CRIS, the on-line service complete Internet connectivity. For information, customers may call 1-800-745-2747. Racal-Datacom, headquartered in Sunrise, Fla., assists organizations in managing their migration from host-based to client-server-based communications. Wherever there is a need to put people in touch with information from central databases or distant locations, Racal-Datacom offers a solution. Products are managed by a single, open and integrated network management platform and backed by a full range of services including network design, operation and integration, worldwide maintenance and support. CMS and Excalibur are registered trademarks and INX 5000 is a trademark of Racal Datacom Inc. Racal-Datacom is a trademark of Racal Electronics Plc. BBS Direct is a trademark of Concentric Research Corp. InterSpan is a registered trademark of AT&T. Wellfleet is a registered trademark of Wellfleet Communications Inc.