ONE BBSCON Atlanta, Georgia AUGUST 17 thru 21 The ONLINE World once again meets this time in Atlanta, GA.. The leading conference and tradeshow for bulletin board systems and other services recieved an audience of more than 5,000 to last year's 3,000. This was the third such event in as many years, first one being held in Denver, Colorado and last years in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This years conference held over 150 sessions covering online business and technicial issues. Highlights of the 5 day event were the Ziff Davis Awards and the Dvoark Awards. From the tradeshow floor the highlight was the debute of a new Software package called "LANUS" by Lanus, Inc.. Lanus is a Lan-based networking package whereby one connects one PC to another and share data/applications. A 10 workstation package was offered to Sysops at an amazing price of $49.95. This price of $49.95 should put the computer world on it's ear and hopefully NOVELL, Inc & Lantastic are listening. This is DOS based only only takes from 10 to 30 minutes to install. Of all the items offered on the showroom floor this is by far the BEST there was in my humble opinion. I even took it home myself to test it and now have 6 computers (PC's) linked together with a dedicated file-server. Hey FOLK's its GREAT! Back to the show itself, Dennis Hayes of Hayes Modems was the Keynote speaker. Just prior to Dennis Hayes address we were all presented by a laser light show put on by Phil Becker of Esoft & Boardwatch Magazine. From the opening excitement to it's conclusion one attending could only wonder of what would be better at next years show to be held in Tampa, Florida. If you haven't been then start saving your pennies, this is a must attend event for anyone using a modem. By the way if your interested in more information on LANUS call them by voice at: (501) 228-9840 Michael Gray Publisher/Editor InterNational Online Magazine