INTERNATIONAL ONLINE Magazine Door setup procedures InterNational Magazine compiled using RMDOOR v4.0 Copyright Mark Goodwin and Randy Hunt 1991-1994. RIPscript graphics emulation is a trademark of TeleGrafix Communications Inc. InterNational Online Magazine is copywrite by InterNational Online Magazine Inc. I know you don't want to do a lot of reading so I'll give you the setup information first. Followed by information on how to get your FREE registered version of INTERNATIONAL ONLINE. SETUP: Make a subdirectory to store the magazine program. Now change to the magazine subdirectory and copy the magazine into it. Run the SETUP program to create your magazine config file. example: GAP ;BBS Type C:\WC30\WCWORK\NODE1\ ;Drop file path Arkansas River Valley BBS ;BBS Name Michael Gray ;Sysops Name 38400 ;Locked Baud Rate On the frist line of the example config file GAP is used with PCBoard 15+ & Wildcat 3.5+ this is to indentify DOOR.SYS as your drop file. NOW Create a batch file to run the magazine such as DOOR1.BAT and include the following example: CD \WC30\DOOR\IOMAG IO IO.CFG CD\WC30 (SPECIAL NOTE: Non-Standard IRQ's - if you are using nonstandard IRQ's add the IRQ # to the second line of your batch file.. example: IO IO.CFG 7 <- would indicate IRQ7.) That's all there is to it...You must set the last entry for Locked Baud Rate to 0 if your BBS baud rate is not locked. If your baud rate is locked, enter your locked baud rate here i.e. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600. HOW TO OBTAIN A FREE REGISTERED VERSION OF INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE One: You must be a system operator of a registered bulletin board. Two: You agree to make the magazine available to your users and make the magazine available for downloading by other interested sysops Three: You agree to upload the MAGAZINE.LOG file that is created within the magazine subdirectory each month to A.R.V.O.S. Inc BBS On a monthly basis ZIP up the MAGAZINE.LOG file under a name that coincides with the name of your BBS. The MAGAZINE.LOG file contains a log of the activity of the magazine as well as any responses your users may have made. By uploading this file monthly we can better interact with you and your BBS users. Please note: Letters to the Editor are contained in this log file. NOW just fill out the following and mail it in. Once received we will create a SERIAL.NUM file for you to download from the A.R.V.O.S.Inc. BBS (501) 968-1931. That's all there is to it. In doing the above we can better serve YOU and your users. Arkansas River Valley BBS is a free access BBS. MAIL-IN REGISTRATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE or you may upload to the A.R.V.O.S. Inc. BBS listed above. (If you upload, leave a message to the Sysop so he will know it's there) MAIL TO: Michael Gray c/o INTERNATIONAL ONLINE 136 Vance Ln. Russellville, AR 72801 YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME:______________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS:_______________________________________________ NAME OF YOUR BBS_______________________________________________ CITY:_______________________ STATE:________________ ZIP_______ VOICE PHONE ( ) ____-_____ DATA ( ) ____-_____ BBS SOFTWARE USED: ___________________ REGISTRATION # __________ PLEASE INITIAL THE FOLLOWING THAT YOU AGREE TO DO I WILL NOTIFY THE SYSOP OF ARKANSAS RIVER VALLEY BBS IF I TAKE MY BOARD DOWN OR OTHERWISE DISCONTINUE USING INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE FOR ANY REASON. _______ I AGREE TO MAKE AVAILABLE THE LATEST VERSION OF INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE TO ANY INTERESTED SYSOP. ______ If you wish to become a support board for INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE. [ ] check here IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO BECOME A SUPPORT BOARD TO OBTAIN A FREE REGISTRATION KEY FILE. AS A SUPPORT BOARD I WILL UPLOAD THE MAGAZINE.LOG FILE IN RENAMED FORM TO ARKANSAS RIVER VALLEY ON A MONTHLY BASIS. ________ We invite you to join IOMAG-Net a .QWK message base network. If you would like more information check here [ ] ***** IN ORDER TO GET YOUR REGISTRATION KEY ALLOW 5 TO 10 DAYS. You must call Arkansas River Valley BBS at (501-968-1931) to download your registration key. We would like to invite you to download IOMAGNET.ZIP from the BBS listed in the paragraph above. This is a .QWK Packet with complete information on our Magazine Supported message base network. -==-==-==--==-==-==-