The Ruins of Rutheledge You stand before the ruins of the ancient city of Rutheledge, once the most beautiful and powerful city of The Ancients. The legends tell of her lost beauty and glory. Rutheledge was the center of all commerce, home of The Sages, and the crown jewel of the kingdom. Rutheledge was protected against attack and intrusion by a valliant millitia and powerfull wards. This close to the ruins you can strongly feel the remains of the power of the wards that protected this mighty city. Unfortunately for this once proud city and her inhabitants, they were no match for the evil necromancer Jharl and his hordes of hideous daemons. According to the legends Rutheledge was the last obstacle between Jharl and the throne. The remains of King Rolin III's army, the kingdoms most powerful sorcerers, The Sages, the city's militia and citizens gathered for the battle. The battle raged on for weeks as Jharl and his hordes slowly wore away at Rutheledge's defenses. In the end Jharl was successful. The city and her inhabitants were ravaged by his monstrous hordes. The throne was his and the reign of The Ancients was ended.