History of Korindia ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The Ancients: The earliest known history of Korindia is the time of The Ancients. This was a time of great prosperity, magic, and valiant deeds. The Ancients were comprised of The Ancient Kings, The Sages, The Ancient Wizards, The Ancient Knights, and the citizenry. The Ancient Kings were wise and benevolent rulers. They used the power of The Ancient Knights and The Ancient Wizards to protect Korindia and her interests, and sought the council of The Sages on matters of justice and ruling. The Ancients rule lasted until about two thousand years ago when they were finally defeated by the Evil Necromancer Jharl and his hordes in a battle against that lasted for nearly one hundred years. In that time, nearly all of the Ancient Kingdom of Korindia was devastated. The Darkness: The five hundred years that followed the great battle against Jharl has come to be known as The Darkness. During this time Jharl's hideous hordes ravaged the land. Thousands of people lost their lives. Those that could travel fled Korindia. Unknown to Jharl, a handful of The Ancient Wizards and Sages had survived the great war. During the time of The Darkness they prepared for a battle to rid Korindia of Jharl and his minions. They learned powerful magic from tomes that were written by great wizards thousands of years before their time. The Second Great Battle: The Second Great Battle began about fifteen hundred years ago. During this horrendous battle between Jharl and the remaining Ancients, the land was scarred by the forces of powerful magic. Parts of the land were so devastated that they are barren to this day. The Second Great Battle ended abruptly after almost fifty years. Jharl and The Ancients were gone. Nobody knows what happened to them, or where they went. Some scholars believe that they destroyed each other in a cataclysmic eruption of powerful magic, others believe that there was divine intervention. A very few scholars believe that The Ancients somehow took themselves and Jharl through a dimensional rift. The Aftermath: The Aftermath was a time of great struggle. For nearly five hundred the land was slowly healed itself of the ravages of past battles. Animals and vegetation slowly returned, and people started to tame the new wilderness. The new land of Korindia was being formed. The Second Golden Age: The next five hundred years were a time of growing and prosperity. The land had regained much of it's strength, spawning a great wilderness. Settlers took advantage of this new land by mining, farming, and harvesting lumber. Settlements grew to towns and cities. Trade with other countries flourished. Korindia once again became a powerful nation. The rule of kings was replaced by an elected body of Regional Governors. Eager young men struggled to relearn the lost magic of The Ancients. Warriors trained to become members of Korindia's growing army. Archeological expeditions tried to learn exactly what had transpired over the past fifteen hundred years. The restoration of Korindia was going well. Baldar: The time of Baldar began about five hundred years ago. Korindia had risen to become a very powerful nation. Wizards had relearned much of the lost magic. A young red dragon named Baldar applied for apprenticeship under the eccentric wizard Raistlin. During the next hundred years Raistlin taught Baldar the secrets of The Ancient Wizards. Baldar was a quick and eager student. Near the end of his training he had nearly surpassed his master's skill. For reasons unknown, Baldar turned on his master. They fought a great battle lasting for weeks. Raistlin's Keep on the tropical island of Arouljo was destroyed, and the island devastated. In the end, Baldar was triumphant. Raistlin was dead and the terrible reign of Baldar had begun. The wizards and warriors of The Second Golden Age were all destroyed in battles against this horrendous beast. The land of Korindia has once again been plunged into an age of darkness. Since that time Baldar has ravaged the land and her people. He sparodically destroys crops, homes, villages, and trading ships. People fear to travel, or leave their beds at night. Nothing that the Regional Governors has tried has been successful. Still the hardy citizens of Korindia struggle to keep what little they have.