*************************** What is it for? *************************** Declare here your new missions levels! Actually, you'd better first create your level (with DEU for instance) then rip it off and let DeuTex put the data here, in the relevant subdirectory, ALL THE LEVELS PUT HERE MUST BE DECLARED IN THE PWAD CREATION DIRECTIVE. Suppose you want to insert E1M2 and E3M4 then Begin: LEVELS E1M2 E3M4 End: LEVELS and DeuTex will look in the LEVELS\E1M2 and LEVELS\E3M4 subdirectories for all the entries needed to declare a level. Beware: BLOCKMAP REJECT SSECTOR SEGS are not optionnal! they must have been generated by you level editor. Should work also for MAPxx (i.e. MAP01, MAP02 ...) of DOOM 2