*************************** What is it for? *************************** Declare here the general graphic entries (examples below) ALL THE FILES PUT HERE MUST BE DECLARED IN THE PWAD CREATION DIRECTIVE. Suppose you want to put TITLEPIC.BMP and VICTORY2.BMP as a new graphic, just declare it in the GRAPHICS part, like: Begin: GAPHICS TITLEPIC VICTORY2 End: GRAPHICS and DeuTex will look here for TITLEPIC.BMP and VICTORY2.BMP **************** Type of graphics you can put here ********************** HELP1 the HELP screen for DOOM 1.666 HELP2 second HELP screen for DOOM 1.666 HELP the HELP screen for DOOM 2 TITLEPIC 320x200 the title pic for Doom CREDIT the credits for DOOM (Don't touch!) VICTORY2 the backgroundd of the victory scenes STCFNxx the fonts for DOOM STxxxxx description of the status bar M_xxxxx description of the menus (seem the unofficial DOOMSPECS)