COPYDMO BAS YDOC" ".BAS" Copymate Demo (c) Marco Vieth 17.8.1990 (8.,25.7.1990) anisho anibl anidat "Die Copymate - Demo" "(c) Marco Vieth, 1990/92" "Demo created with 'ANIMATOR'." "Press any key AFTER the demo" "!COPYANI.BIN", anibl anisho anisho anibl anidat "0) Show demo again" "1) Documentation to Copymate" "2) start Copymate" "Your choice: "; ,"Hint:" ,"This is the DISK-version of Copymate." ,"Marco Vieth" ,"Auf dem Uekern 4" ,"4791 Lichtenau-Atteln" "Not aviable in this version." "One moment ..." "COPY" "COPYDOC" ".BAS"