Zinc Data File Version 3.2 UIW_WINDOW UI_BITMAP UI_ICON UI_HELP UI_HPP UI_CPPI DERIVE_TABLE CHOICE_WINDOW RARG_WINDOW INFO_WINDOWS CMENU_QUICKNOTEWIN7 CMENU_MAIN_WINDOW PASSWORD_WINDOW+ CMENU_ABOUT1 CMENU_OPENER$ CMENU_USER_WINDOW CMENU_QUICKNOTEW okay.bmpB cancel.bmpD childDirectoryE parentDirectoryK quicknoteO qneraseC launch.bmp APPLICATION EXCLAMATION HANDF databankG filemanager QUESTION ASTERISK8 configureJ dosshell9 exit: addressbook; cmlogo% HELP_ABOUTR HELP_CHOICE_WINDOWH HELP_GENERALQ HELP_MAIN_WINDOWN HELP_OPENER[ HELP_PASSENTER_WINDOWM HELP_QUICKNOTE\ HELP_RARG_WINDOWY HELP_USER_WINDOWZ HELP_CONTEXTS CHOICE_WINDOW RARG_WINDOW INFO_WINDOWT CMENU_QUICKNOTEWIN< CMENU_MAIN_WINDOW PASSWORD_WINDOW, CMENU_ABOUT2 CMENU_OPENER& CMENU_USER_W RARG_WINDOW PASSWORD_WINDOW INFO_WINDOW CHOICE_WINDOW' CMENU_USER_WINDOW- CMENU_ABOUT3 CMENU_OPENER= CMENU_MAIN_WINDOWU CMENU_QUICKNOTEWIN CMENU_QUICKNOTEW RARG_WINDOW@ Enter Runtime Arguments RARGSTRINGD CMRunTimeArgs FIELD_2@ CMRunTimeArgs! okay.bmp const USHORT RARGSTRING = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION CMRunTimeArgs CMRunTimeArgs PASSWORD_WINDOW@ Entry Password Protect PASSWORD_FIELDD PasswordFieldDialog FIELD_1@ PasswordDialog! &Cancel cancel.bmp FIELD_2D Please Enter Password: const USHORT PASSWORD_FIELD = 0x0003;7 const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION PasswordFieldDialog PasswordDialog INFO_WINDOW@ C-Menu INFO_BUTTON@ InfoChoiceDialog! okay.bmp FIELD_4A ASTERISK INFO_FIELDT const USHORT INFO_BUTTON = 0x0003;7 const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT INFO_FIELD = 0x0005; OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION InfoChoiceDialog CHOICE_TEXT CHOICE_WINDOW@ C-Menu FIELD_1 QUESTION CHOICE_OK okay.bmp FIELD_3 InfoChoiceDialog! &Cancel cancel.bmp const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT CHOICE_OK = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_3 = 0x0003;7 const USHORT CHOICE_TEXT = 0x0004; OBJECTID" USER_FUNCTION# COMPARE_FUNCTION InfoChoiceDialog FIELD_119D Memory Available: CMENU_ABOUT_MEMORYU FIELD_121D Registered To: CMENU_ABOUT_USERU FIELD_441@ InfoChoiNU_DATEU 8.95 + $3.95 S/H. Please see the included file named REGISTER.DOC for complete registration instructions. Thanks for using C-Menu! FIELD_89A logo.icn FIELD_90A ln: Select to run the C-Menu Personal Address Book. "About..." Icon: Select to see information about C-Menu. "Exit" Icon: Select to exit C-Menu. QuickNote Button (upper right corner): Select to access the C-Menu QuickNote Pad. Hotkeys: Ctrl-ceDialog! &Continue okay.bmp logo.icn FIELD_14 logo.icn FIELD_15 logo.icn FIELD_289D Please select an application to run... U_CMENU_TIMEU U_CMEod of 30 days, you are required to register it. When registered, you receive the following: o The latest version of C-Menu/32 v5.0. o Removal of all 'Unregistered' screens and personalized with your name. o Telephone/Mail support and su CMENU_USER_WINDOW@ C-Menu/32 v5.0 USER_LISTD FIELD_3$ FIELD_7T A selection can be made by either pointing on pport through CompuServe. o Free evalution disk of ACZAR, another excellent ASP program. o A registration discount coupon for ACZAR. o Professional printed and bound C-Menu/32 v5.0 User's Manual. The registration cost of C-Menu/32 v5.0 is $2 = 0x000E;7 const USHORT FIELD_15 = 0x000F;7 const USHORT FIELD_289 = 0x0121;7 const USHORT U_CMENU_TIME = 0x0125;7 const USHORT U_CMENU_DATE = 0x0126; const USHORT USER_LIST = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_7 = 0x0007;7 const USHORT FIELD_12 = 0x000C;7 const USHORT FIELD_13 = 0x000D;7 const USHORT FIELD_14 ' OBJECTID) USER_FUNCTION* COMPARE_FUNCTION dvanced System Menuing Software Copyright (c) 1994 by C-Vision All Rights Reserved. Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). If you continue to use C-Menu after a trial peri EMORY = 0x0078;7 const USHORT FIELD_121 = 0x0079;7 const USHORT CMENU_ABOUT_USER = 0x007A;7 const USHORT FIELD_441 = 0x01B9; const USHORT FIELD_4 = 0x0004;7 const USHORT FIELD_117 = 0x0075;7 const USHORT FIELD_118 = 0x0076;7 const USHORT FIELD_119 = 0x0077;7 const USHORT CMENU_ABOUT_M- OBJECTID/ USER_FUNCTION0 COMPARE_FUNCTION InfoChoiceDialog application with the mouse and pressing the left mouse button or by using the up and down arrow keys to highlight an application and then pressing . FIELD_12 logo.icn FIELD_13 (915) 833-6778 CIS: 72223,2016 Mark J. Finocchio Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) Member FIELD_117A logo.icn FIELD_118A logo.icn ogo.icn FIELD_91A logo.icn CMENU_ABOUT@ About... FIELD_4T C-Menu/32 v5.0 Copyright (c) 1994 by C-Vision All rights reserved. 5866 Via Cuesta Dr., El Paso, TX 79912-6608 = 0x005A;7 const USHORT FIELD_91 = 0x005B; const USHORT FIELD_10 = 0x000A;7 const USHORT FIELD_1 = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_2 = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FIELD_89 = 0x0059;7 const USHORT FIELD_90 3 OBJECTID5 USER_FUNCTION6 COMPARE_FUNCTION CMOpener &Configure configure FIELD_563A DosShellIcon &DOS Shell dosshell EXITICONA ExitIcon E&xit DATABANKICONA DataBankIcon Address &Book addressbook FIELD_502A AboutIcon Abou&t... cmlogo LAUNCH_BUTTON@ CMLaunchButton! &Launch launch.bmp QN_BUTTONA CMQuickNote! quicknote application selected to be run. "Launch" Button: Select to run the application displayed the in "Launch Entry" field. "Configure" Icon: Select to run the C-Menu configuration program. "DOS Shell" Icon: Select to shell to DOS. "Address Book" Ico CMENU_MAIN_WINDOW@ C-Menu/32 v5.0 MENUS_PROMPTD Available &Folders: CMENU_MENU_LISTD FIELD_716$ PROGRAMS_PRO;7 const USHORT CMENU_DATE = 0x0053;7 const USHORT CONFIGICON = 0x00A7;7 const USHORT FIELD_563 = 0x0233;7 const USHORT EXITICON = 0x00AF;7 const USHORT DATABANKICON = 0x00C9;7 const USHORT FIELD_502 = 0x01F6;7 const USHORT LAUNCH_BUTTON = 0x0008;7 const USHORT QN_BUTTON = 0x0246; const USHORT MENUS_PROMPT = 0x009A;7 const USHORT CMENU_MENU_LIST = 0x009B;7 const USHORT PROGRAMS_PROMPT = 0x0007;7 const USHORT CMENU_PROGRAM_LIST = 0x0001;7 const USHORT CMENU_PROMPT = 0x0041;7 const USHORT CMENU_CURRENT_LIST = 0x0047;7 const USHORT LAUNCH_PROMPT = 0x0031;7 const USHORT CMENU_LAUNCH_NAME = 0x0009;7 const USHORT CMENU_TIME = 0x0052= OBJECTID? USER_FUNCTION@ COMPARE_FUNCTION ConfigureIcon DosShellIcon ExitIcon DataBankIcon AboutIcon CMLaunchButton CMQuickNote Press [ESC] to continue... const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_ABOUT = 0x0004; // [ESC] to exit Help ...Z const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_CHOICE_WINDOW = 0x0003; // [ESC] to exit Help ...^ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_GENERAL = 0x0001; // Pr S: Invoke screen saver. Ctrl-M: Switch between C-Menu User and Administrative Mode. CMENU_QUICKNOTEWIN@ QuickNote Pad QN_FIELDD FIELD_141$ FIELD_67@ CMQuickNote! &Save okay.bmp FIELD_184@ CMQuickNote! &Erase qnerase FIELD_68@ CMQuickNote! &Cancel cancel.bmp Available &Applications: CMENU_PROGRAM_LISTD FIELD_295$ CMENU_PROMPTD &Opened Folders: CMENU_CURRENT_LISTD LAUNCH_PROMPTD Launch Entry: CMENU_LAUNCH_NAMET CMENU_TIMEU CMENU_DATEU CONFIGICONA ConfigureIcon CMENU_OPENER@ C-Menu/32 v5.0 FIELD_10@ CMOpener! &Continue okay.bmp FIELD_1A logo.icn FIELD_2T AINDOW CMENU_QUICKNOTEWIN const USHORT QN_FIELD = 0x0001;7 const USHORT FIELD_67 = 0x0043;7 const USHORT FIELD_184 = 0x00B8;7 const USHORT FIELD_68 = 0x0044; OBJECTIDW USER_FUNCTIONX COMPARE_FUNCTION CMQuickNote CMQuickNote CMQuickNote [ESC] to exit Help...k C-Menu/32 v5.0 Main Window The C-Menu Main Window consists of several parts. The C-Menu configuration program, DOS Shell, exiting C-Menu, changing folders, and running an application are all accomplished through this window. These parts and special hot-keys are described as follows: "Available Folders": This list holds all the folders available in the current folder. Select one to open it. "Available Applications": A list of the applications in the current open folder. Select one to run the application. "Opened Folders": A list of the folders currently open. Select one to make active and to close all the folders under it. *Quick Tip - Use the right mouse button to close the current folder. "Launch Entry": Displays an [ESC] to exit Help ... C-Menu Choice Window The C-Menu choice window is used to display an option to the user. The option is described in the window. Select "Ok" to continue with the operation or "Cancel" to cancel the operation. ess [ESC] to continue...Y const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_MAIN_WINDOW = 0x0002; // [ESC] to exit Help...Y const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_OPENER = 0x0005; // [ESC] to exit Help...Y const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_PASSENTER_WINDOW [ESC] to exit Help ... C-Menu About Window The C-Menu About window is used to display current information about C-Menu such as information about C-Vision, memory available to C-Menu, and who this version of C-Menu is registered to. [ESC] to exit Help... C-Menu Opening Screen This screen is only displayed in the Unregistered Evaluation copy of C-Menu/32 v5.0. Please see the document "REGISTER.DOC" on how to register C-Menu. move the entire contents of the pad. To not do any of these actions, select "Cancel". To let you know that there is text in the QuickNote Pad, the picture displayed in the QuickNote button changes to reflect this. [ESC] to exit Help... C-Menu QuickNote Pad The C-Menu QuickNote Pad is a convenient "scratch pad" for you to use to keep reminders and other information for yourself. After entering some text, select "Save" to save the information. Use "Erase" to re = 0x0009; // [ESC] to exit Help...Y const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_QUICKNOTE = 0x0006; // [ESC] to exit Help...Y const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_RARG_WINDOW = 0x000A; // [ESC] to exit Help...Y const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_USER up and down arrow keys to highlight an application and then pressing . [ESC] to exit Help...7 C-Menu/32 v5.0 This window displays the applications available for running on this computer system. A selection can be made by either pointing on the application with the mouse and pressing the left mouse button or by using the [ESC] to exit Help... C-Menu Information Window This window displays current information about the status of C-Menu. Select "Ok" to remove this window. [ESC] to exit Help... C-Menu Password Prompt You cannot continue with the current operation without entering the correct password. Simply type in the password (will not be displayed) and press . Select "Cancel" to discontinue the operation. _WINDOW = 0x0007; // [ESC] to exit Help...Y const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_INFO_WINDOW = 0x0008; // [ESC] to exit Help... HELP_INFO_WINDOW u do not wish to use any runtime arguments, do not enter any and continue. [ESC] to exit Help...4 C-Menu Runtime Arguments Prompt This window is displayed to allow the user to enter any runtime arguments that the appliction about to be run needs. Simply enter the arguments and press or select "Ok" to continue. If yo