CRISS CROSS v0.5 (Beta Test) Programming++ BBS (619)631-8135 Registration for Criss Cross is only $10.00. The price is low to encourage registration. All proceeds from registration will be used to help get my brother John out of prison. He had a rotten lawyer. What you get from registration: 1. Your registration will unlock all future versions of Criss Cross. 2. A second dictionary, over twice the size distributed with the shareware version. 3. The latest version of Criss Cross. 4. A warm fuzzy feeling for donating to a good cause. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration for Criss Cross v0.5 NAME:_______________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ CITY:_______________________________________________________ STATE:___________________________ ZIP ____________-_________ BBS NAME:___________________________________________________ DATA LINE:__________________________________________________ VOICE:(OPTIONAL)____________________________________________ NAME TO BE USED IN "REGISTERED TO: Your Name Here" (Use up/low case) Registered To:_______________________________________________ File Size Requested: [ ] 3.5 [ ] 5.25 Please send $10.00 check or money order (or cash if you must) to: (California Residents add 7.25% tax $10.72) Bret Bordwell P.O. Box 1921 Vista, CA 92085-1921