To run type adlib.bat ! You NEED a video card that can display text in VGA/EGA /43 or /50 column mode. This program allows you to load, save and modify Adlib sound files in *.BNK, *.IBK, *.INS or *.SBI formats. If the video starts to flicker your memory is getting low. Save what you are doing and restart the program. You can check the amount of free heap memory available by clicking on the bottom status bar. You may use the keyboard or a mouse , but a mouse is easier to use. I am not going to describe the sound file formats or the innards of the Adlib card. There are many books around for that. A strong knowledge of the innards of the Adlib card is STRONGLY recommended. The window system is evident I think. However it is necessary that I describe the titles in the "Play" screen. TL - Total level / volume for operator KSL - Key scale level / higher freq sounds are attenuated AM - Amplitude of Vibrato MUL - Multiply the frequency by this fixed number VIB - Turn Vibrato on or off FB - Level of feedback fed to input WS - Select type of wave SIN - a sine wave 1/2 - half sine wave (1/2 rectification) 2+ - two positive halves of a sine wave (full rectification) 1/4 - one quarter or sine wave AR - Attack rate of envelope generator DR - Decay rate of env gen SL - Sustain Level of env gen RR - Release rate of env gen EG-TYPE - holds note if key is held KSR - Key scale rate / note duration depends on frequency NOTE - a note on the scale SCALE - musical scale HOLD TIME - hold key for a time (in seconds) CHAN - Adlib card channel (melody 1-6 percussion 7-11) MODE - melodic or percussion Modulation - put two operators in parallel or series (usually in series!) *note SCALE, NOTE, HOLD TIME are not saved in the files * and WS is not saved in *.BNK or *.INS formats I know this explanation is scarce, but to go into all the details would take many pages. I assume you are familiar with the technical details. Although I have tried to make this as error free as possible it is possible that I have missed a few bugs. I would recommend that you save your work often to avoid data loss. This program was compiled with Borland C++ 3.1, using Turbo Vision. Source code available on request. Written by Vince Pelss Bld A-247 Lancaster Drv Unit Q5 Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0 Home : 705-424-9987 NorthAmeriNet CRS