POLAR: EXPLORING EARTHSPACE IN THE REALMS OF THE AURORAS FROM THE SUN TO EARTH Despite the relative vacuum of space, the Sun emits a highspeed solar wind of electrified particles. This thin, hot, ionized gas-a plasma called the solar wind- carries particles and magnetic fields outward from the Sun to the far reaches of the solar system. Earth is shielded from the full blast by its magnetosphere, the region around our planet dominated by its magnetic field. Some solar wind plasma penetrates the magnetosphere's shield, mixing turbulently with plasmas there, and is then stored in the two Van Allen radiation belts around the Earth or in the plasma sheet. Some particles descend into Earth's upper atmosphere through the polar cusps, funnel-like openings in the magnetosphere at the poles. These energetic particles excite atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere to create the Northern and Southern Lights (the auroras). The study of the auroras offers a unique opportunity actually to observe effects of the transfer of energy from the Sun to the Earth. By imaging the northern aurora, NASA's POLAR mission will measure the entry of solar plasma into the magnetosphere over the Earth's magnetic poles and will study the ways in which this plasma impacts the Earth's uppermost atmosphere, the ionosphere. POLAR will measure the flow of plasma to and from the ionosphere along auroral magnetic field lines and observe particle energy deposited into the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. With time, the orbit will be adjusted to allow measurements to be taken at lower altitudes over the northern pole and higher altitudes at the southern pole. From this orbit, images of the southern aurora will also be taken. THE MISSION The third in a series of coordinated solar-terrestrial missions, the POLAR spacecraft, carrying eleven instruments developed by an international team of scientists, will be launched in late 1995 by a Delta II rocket from the Western Space and Missile Center. Its orbit around the Earth will be inclined 90 degrees from the equator. The furthest point from the Earth's center on this orbit (the apogee) will be nine Earth radii (57,000 km or 36,000 miles), and the closest point (the perigee) will be almost two Earth radii (11,000 km or 7,100 miles). The Geotail satellite, a joint mission of the Japanese Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) and NASA, was launched in July 1992 to study the behavior of plasma in the tail of Earth's magnetosphere. A second NASA satellite, Wind, to be launched in late 1994, will measure the solar wind as it approaches Earth. These missions will perform simultaneous and closely coordinated measurements throughout the Earth's space environment, known as geospace. In addition, data will be provided from existing spacecraft in orbits around the equator. Groundbased and theoretical investigations will also be conducted. NASA is also collaborating with the European Space Agency (ESA) in two additional solar-terrestrial missions, Cluster and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The Wind and POLAR missions and NASA's contributions to SOHO, Cluster, and Geotail make up the International Solar- Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Science Program. The aim of ISTP is to understand the behavior of the solarterrestrial system and, therefore, how the Earth's atmosphere responds to changes in the solar wind. INVESTIGATIONS The POLAR instruments can be divided into three categories. Three instruments (MFE, EFI, and PWI) measure electromagnetic fields near the POLAR spacecraft. Five devices (Hydra, TIDE, TIMAS, CAMMICE, and CEPPAD) determine the type of particles found in the magnetosphere in the region of the Earth's poles. Three experiments (VIS, UVI, and PIXIE) image the Earth in visible light, ultraviolet light, and x-rays. These last three instruments are on a despun platform that can be pointed to maintain their viewing field. MAGNETIC FIELDS EXPERIMENT (MFE). This investigation will use a pair of fluxgate magnetometers to sample the magnetic field. Raw measurements will be processed on board to send to other instruments. These measurements will be used to study how the solar wind and the magnetosphere interact through currents driven in the polar cusp, how energy and momentum are exchanged with the magnetosphere at the cuspmagnetosheath interface, and how plasma instabilities occur in the polar magnetosphere. Dr. C. Russell, University of California at Los Angeles, is the Principal Investigator (PI). ELECTRIC FIELD INVESTIGATION (EFI). This dual-probe instrument will sample electric fields in the burst mode, which can be coordinated with the Hydra and TIDE instruments. The EFI measurements will be used to determine the electric field structure of the highlatitude magnetosphere, the cusp, and the plasma mantle over the poles. It will also provide direct evidence for fieldaligned electrical potential drops, which may be responsible for accelerating particles to high energies. The PI is Dr. F. Mozer, University of California at Berkeley. PLASMA WAVE INVESTIGATION (PWI). PWI will sample electric field noise at frequencies higher than EFI and magnetic fluctuations above the frequencies detectable by MFE to help identify normal patterns of plasma behavior. Attempts will also be made to determine how these waves propagate. The wave-particle processes influenced by electromagnetic turbulence are thought to be central in the transfer of momentum in the geospace system, particularly in the boundaries between regions. Dr. D. Gurnett, University of Iowa, is the PI. FAST PLASMA ANALYZER (Hydra). Hydra's electrostatic analyzers will filter electrons and ions and study them in twelve directions simultaneously. Hydra will image electrons traveling near the magnetic field direction with 1.5-degree angular resolution. The low-energy electrons sampled by Hydra will be especially good indicators of the global magnetic shape when compared with simultaneous measurements by SWE in the solar wind. Hydra will also capture the patterns of electrons and ions that accompany geomagnetic substorms, auroral arcs, field-aligned currents, and particle precipitation. The PI is Dr. J. Scudder, University of Iowa. THERMAL ION DYNAMICS EXPERIMENT AND PLASMA SOURCE INSTRUMENT (TIDE/PSI). TIDE will sample and measure the mass of lowenergy ions that come from the ionosphere, identifiable by their relatively low state of ionization compared with ions of solar wind origin. These measurements will be used to evaluate the ionosphere as a source of plasma for the magnetosphere, to identify how the low- energy ionospheric ions are energized and transported, and to study their storage and loss. Dr. T. Moore, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, is the PI. TOROIDAL IMAGIN MASS-ANGLE SPECTROGRAPH (TIMAS). TIMAS will sample higher-energy ions that originate either in the ionosphere or the solar wind. The instrument will study the polar cusp, a principal entry region for solar wind plasma into the magnetosphere. TIMAS data will be used with data from TIDE and the SWICS instrument on the Wind satellite to determine the ultimate origin of mass in the high-latitude magnetosphere. The PI is Dr. E. Shelley, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory. CHARGE AND MASS MAGNETOSPHERIC ION COMPOSITION EXPERIMENT (CAMMICE). CAMMICE will determine the composition of major energetic ion constituents of the ring current and nearEarth plasma sheet. This investigation will increase our understanding of the way in which particles in the magnetosphere are energized, stored, and precipitated. Dr. T. Fritz, Boston University, is the PI. COMPREHENSIVE ENERGETIC-PARTICLE PITCH-ANGLE DISTRIBUTION (CEPPAD). The CEPPAD investigation will identify energetic particles and provide quantitative data on the sources, energization, transport, and losses of these particles in the magnetosphere. It will also measure the rate of particle precipitation into the Earth's upper atmosphere that is partly responsible for auroras and other emissions. Dr. B. Blake, Aerospace Corporation, is the PI. ULTRAVIOLET IMAGER (UVI). UVI will image the auroras using five specially designed filters. The detector is an intensified charge- coupled device used with a fast reflective optical system and will provide simultaneous global imaging at distances of more than six Earth radii. UVI will provide descriptions of the auroras in time and space and images of total particle energy flux, characteristic energy, thermospheric neutral composition, and ionospheric conductances. These images will be used to map the evolution of electric fields needed for global modeling of the thermosphere at the lower end of the solarterrestrial chain. The PI is Dr. M. Torr, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center. VISIBLE IMAGING SYSTEM (VIS). VIS will use an image intensifier readout through twelve visible narrow band filters and produce five separate auroral images per minute. Data from VIS and from theory investigations will be used to assess the way in which magnetospheric energy is dissipated into the auroral ionosphere, and to model energy flow within the magnetosphere. The PI is Dr. L. Frank, University of Iowa. POLAR IONOSPHERIC X-RAY IMAGING EXPERIMENT (PIXIE). Using a multiple-pinhole x-ray camera, PIXIE will measure the distribution and time variation of x-ray emissions from the Earth's atmosphere. The morphology and spectra of energetic electron precipitation and its effect upon the atmosphere will be determined and used to calculate the total energy deposition rate of the precipitated electrons, their energy distribution, and the pattern of ionization and electrical conductivity. Dr. W. Imhof, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, is the PI. THE POLAR SPACECRAFT AND MISSION OPERATIONS The POLAR spacecraft is a spin-stabilized cylinder that measures 2.4 meters (7.9 ft) in diameter and 2.1 meters (6.9 ft) in height. The spacecraft weighs approximately 1005 kg (2220 lbs) and carries an additional 269 kg (590 lbs) of fuel for orbit maneuvering. The mission is designed to last for at least three years. Several NASA facilities will support the collection and dissemination of POLAR science data. The NASA Deep Space Network will be used to command the spacecraft and collect POLAR data via radio signals. The Central Data Handling Facility at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center will produce "key parameters" to serve as a guide to the much larger volume of raw data. Detailed analysis of the data will be performed by investigators using computers at their own sites and sharing the data through NASA Science Internet connections throughout the United States, Japan, and Europe. --- þ Via FTL BBS (404-292-8761) and NASA Spacelink (205-895-0028)