I- Introduction 'Protect' is a program destined to programmers of 'TURBO PASCAL 7.0 DOS' wanting to protect the softwares that they build. This pack is composed of the following files: * PROTECT.EXE Enables to protect a standard diskette (1) * PROTECT.ICO The icon of the program for display under Windows (2) * PIRATES.TPU The unit allowing to exploit the protection (3) * TESTE.PAS File origin example * TESTE.EXE File compiled example * NOTICEA.TXT This file * REGISTER.TXT File for the recording II- Installation Copy the files previously enunciated "especially (1),(2),(3)" into a directory for example 'C :\PROTECT ' For an use under Windows, go in the 'gestionnaire' of programs, open the menu 'Fichier', 'Nouveau' and choose the option 'Programme'. Then add until the line of command the path where got settled the program here in the occurence 'C:\PROTECT\PROTECT.EXE' and choose the icon 'C:\PROTECT\PROTECT.ICO'. III- Restrictions This program functions only on some diskettes formated in DOS standard. That is 5¬ DD, HD and 3« DD, HD. And also on MS DOS 4.0 minimum. The type of processor is without importance. III- Utilization 1-Protect.exe Insert a blank diquette, formated into one of the readers Launch 'PROTECT.EXE' Enter the name of the reader where is the diskette For example 'a' and type the key Return Carriage. In the case of a mistake, the key Back-Space Then enter the code of protection of the diskette, for example here input 'Code-Cles nicolas' If all the operations are unfolded without problem, the program will notify it to you. In the opposite case verify that the diskette is standard PC and also if this is in writing modes. 2-The unit PIRATES.TPU VAR Lecteur : CHAR; Codesecret : STRING; FUNCTION TEST : BOOLEAN; {TRUE ou FALSE} FUNCTION NUMERODISK : BYTE {1..255} PROCEDURE FAUX; Lecteur represents the reader into which the protected diskette is insert. By default it is 'A'. It returns to you programmer to modify it according your uses. Codesecret is the code that you entered during the use of 'PROTECT.EXE' in the protected diskette. By default it is initialize to 'Code-Cles nicolas'. The writing MAJ /MIN has an importance. TEST is a function referring true or false according to that if the values of the protections are identical to the one gone in previously during the use of 'PPROTECT.EXE'. NUMERODISK is specially used for the installation of a program. Indeed at each execution of this, it increase the diskette of a number of installation and sends back the current active number 1 to 254. That is to the programmer to specifying the number of possible installation in his program 'INSTALL'. If it refer the value 255, this means that the operation is finished by a failure, either of reading or of writing to the diskette. It is also to the responsibility of programmer to test if the diskette is the well one protected (by TEST) and to adjusting all the parameters of necessary installation to his program before sending the function Nunerodisk. Indeed, each utilization increased the number of the recognition number of installation before sending back the number of this that her subtracted 1. By default 'PROTECT.EXE' installs the number '1' into the diskette protected. FALSE represents a display whichc you will be free to using. 3-L'exemple It's the simple aplication of the the unit 'PIRATES.TPU' IV- Registering This program is limited to an use of 15 days. If you are satisfied and count to use it out this delay it is on your duty to regulating the License for its use. In this case, you will receive the complete notice the original codes and a licence number of support technique and also the ulterior stakes. For the regulation please return the file REGISTER.TXT fulfilled to the following address: M. Chan Piu Nicolas 28 Rue Charles Montaland Bat 2 68100 Villeurbanne FRANCE